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It took me a while to find Mystic, but I found him tied to a tree on the outskirts of the camp. I couldn't believe Fendon actually believed I was Sage, the orphan boy. I had used this tactic before with the pirates and it had gotten me farther than I had hoped with them.
As I mounted Mystic, I wondered how Roden even managed to escape the thieves camp in the first place. I tugged on the reins and Mystic flew forward. Roden couldn't have gone far. He was announced missing while I was being interrogated by Fendon.
It was getting darker by the minute. Mystic galloped steadily, farther and farther away from the thieves camp. Suddenly, a tall figure ran directly in front of Mystic. I grasped the reins and pulled back as hard as I could. Mystic came to an abrupt stop.
"Jaron!" the figure exclaimed, breathing heavily. I would've recognized that voice anywhere.
Roden looked awful. He had only been gone for a couple of days, but it looked as if he had been held captive for months. His dirty blond hair was sticking out in all directions. His complexion looked darker than normal as a result of all of the dirt that covered his face and arms. I noticed that he was still wearing the same clothes I last saw him in. Roden didn't seem hurt except for a small cut on his right leg. He limped slowly towards Mystic. I jumped off my saddle and approached him with a puzzled look.
"What could you have possibly done to anger the devils?" I asked grinning.
"Whatever," Roden huffed, clearly annoyed that I was making this entire situation a huge joke.
I helped Roden climb onto Mystic's back. The cut on his right leg was dirty and looked infected. Once Roden was comfortably sitting on the saddle, I flung myself up onto the saddle in front of Roden.
"What happened to your leg?" I asked, turning around to face him.
"I was running when tripped over a rock and fell into a thorn bush," he replied as his cheeks turned bright pink with embarrassment.
I burst out laughing.
"Wow Roden," I said, "How could someone like you, who handles a sword so well, trip over a tiny rock?"
"Shut up Jaron," Roden replied, more annoyed than before. "Let's just get going before Fendon or any of the thieves come looking for me."
I pulled on Mystic's reins and he sped forward, galloping farther and farther away from the thieves camp.

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