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The small room didn't seem quite as tiny when only Roden, the physician and I occupied it. With five of us in there, it seemed a lot smaller but that helped since the walls weren't soundproof. Roden sat on the chair with his leg propped up on the other one. I had insisted that Dawn, Hazel, and Serena sit on the bed which left me standing.
Dawn and Hazel seemed rather surprised to learn Serena had come from the pirates. They knew she had an Avenian accent but I knew Dawn and that wouldn't stop her from taking a girl like Serena in.
Serena had left the pirates to come to find me and Roden regarding the pirates. Since part of the pirate code was not to touch the kitchen girls it was easy for Serena to leave. She had come to tell us that the pirate king had changed. Erick had been challenged and defeated by a newer pirate, Sedgewick. I looked to Roden and he understood. When a pirate was defeated for the title of the king it meant he was killed. We were both still bound to them even though we were Carthyans. Both of us had the pirate branding of an X made of a sea serpent pointing to the northeast and a snake pointing to the northwest on our right forearms.
"Come with us to the castle," I told the three of them. "I need someone to look after Roden," I nodded at Serena. "Unless you want to go back to the pirates?"
Serena shook her head. "No Your Majesty. I would not. Have you heard from Imogen? I would like to find her. I never saw her after she left with you and Roden"
I grinned. "Imogen. She's back at the castle. I'm sure the queen will be glad to see you."
"The Queen. She wouldn't be the queen unless... Oh! I didn't know. Congratulations!" Serena got up and gave me a hug.
"Thank you. Now I wish I could offer you more until morning but there's only one bed here. Roden and I will head downstairs-"
"Never Your Majesty!" Dawn interrupted. "We can go back to our home until morning. Just come to town and one of us will be outside so you know which house is ours."
The three of them got up to go. As they were heading out I whispered into Dawn's ear. "Thank you for all you did during the war. I'm sorry your husband died."
Dawn turned to face me. "He died a patriot for a good country and a good king. Carthya will thrive under your rule." Then she followed Hazel and Serena down the stairs.

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