Further Confusion

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He could hear that one video HIS Alfred had shown him once in his mind as the light came back.

"Make me a yo-yo man," someone said. It was completely ridiculous and so uncalled for that he almost laughed. It made him think of his own timeline.  

Then Arthur could see. He was trapped waist-deep in concrete rubble. Something was jabbing into his side and it hurt when he breathed.

It was high noon, and there were huge piles of cement rubbish as far as he could see. The air was distinctly damp, but it was so hot and Arthur hated the smell of the air.

At least he COULD breathe. Where was Alfred? Alfred's house hadn't been made of this much concrete, he didn't think. At least the gas was gone.

Matthew was gone too.

Arthur hadn't known him for that long, in either timeline, but Matthew had been good to him and he started to cry again.

Until he heard something coming towards him. Then Arthur froze and quieted himself. Why were the clouds so dark? He was terrified, but his arms were free, and that meant he could use magic.

"You zhere!" someone called to him. Arthur looked up and saw four people dressed in odd rags coming towards him. The speaker was a young man who was wrapped from head to toe, wearing sunglasses. There wasn't an inch of bare skin that Arthur could see.

"Who are you vith?" The man called again. He had a weird accent that Arthur couldn't place.

"I'm alone!" Arthur yelled back. He decided that these people were going to kill him. Until they got closer. There was Alfred! His blonde, blue eyed Alfred. He didn't have his glasses though. Arthur also spotted Toris, who was clinging to a tall man who was wrapped almost as much as the apparent leader.

"Alone?" The leader asked. He leaned down to look Arthur in the face. Arthur saw his own filthy reflection in the lenses of the sunglasses. "Are you sure?"

Arthur waved his hands, muttered a curse, and watched as the man was flung backwards. The other three stared at him uncomfortably as their leader shouted in pain.

"Alfred?" Arthur looked into those familiar blue eyes, searching for a sign of recognition. His face fell when he saw naught but a slightly aggressive glare directed at him.

"How do you know my name?" Alfred asked, clearly upset. He pulled a dagger from the folds of his odd clothes and held it at Arthur's throat.

"I know your brother, Matthew," Arthur said, hoping Matthew existed in this timeline. It was kind of a long shot, maybe Matthew and Alfred were always together or something. They'd know he was lying.

The tall guy gasped and Toris crossed himself, still clinging to the tall man's arm.

Alfred looked downright furious, ready to plunge the knife into Arthur's neck.

"Vait!" The leader was back on his feet. His sunglasses were cracked and he was a bit bloodier than he'd been to begin with, but Arthur could tell he was quite a strong fellow. Alfred kept the knife at Arthur's throat and discarded the outraged expression. "He mentioned Matthew," the American said.

The leader ignored Alfred and turned to Arthur. "You survived the rain," he remarked, studying the rubble trapping Arthur.

"I woke up here," Arthur corrected. "I'm lost."

The leader pulled off his sunglasses and squinted in the overbearing light, revealing two eyes as red as blood. "No, you're exactly vhere you need to be," he said smoothly. "Ivan, get him out."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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