The Beast's true form

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Chapter 11. The Beast's True Form

Transformers © Hasbro

My ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_xX

Sharpfang and Snowstorm- @ X_Midnight_X


2 days later.

"Swindle stop trying to sell things to me that I don't want," Starscream growled in irritation

"Come on Starscream with your new upgrade you should have new weapons," ushered Swindle

"Don't make me punch you," Starscream threatened.

"Do it and I'll hurt you," Dirge glared at Starscream.

Dirge who looked like Starscream though he was another clone made by Swindle to be his bodyguard and represented greed, he had a cone shaped helm, he was blue but his cockpit was red and black, his wings were maroon with yellow stripes and like all Decepticons his optics were red and had the Decepticon's insignia on his wings.

Starscream ignored Dirge and continued to glare at Swindle.

"As I said before Swindle I don't want any new weapons cause of my new look so stop it," Starscream said crossing his arms.

Swindle look like he wanted to pout but hide it.

"Such a party popper," he said.

"Hey shut up, you schemed Soundwave to whatever you gaved him," Slipstream pointed out.

"Speaking of Soundwave, where is he?" Starscream asked.


Out of nowhere a rock hit Starscream back of the helm, startling the red and white mech.

"What the?" Starscream feeling the back of his helm

Clink !

Another rock hit Starscream and more hit at Swindle and Dirge.

"Seriously who's doing that?" Starscream growled.

"There's your answer Starscream," Slipstream pointing to ledge cliff.

Towards the ledge cliff where two small Cybertronians having rocks in their hands aiming it at Starscream, Dirge and Swindle. The first of the two Cybertronians was red and black with the Decepticons insignia and red eyes. The second small Cybertronian was a light blue and purple and was the same like the red and black.

"Who are those two?" Starscream asked while glaring at the newcomers.

Designations: Rumble and Frenzy. Soundwave built them," Soundwave spoke walking in.

"Soundwave explained yourself," Starscream groaned.

"Soundwave created them from the parts that he got from Swindle," the blue mech explained.

Starscream and Slipstream looked at Swindle who was trying his best not smile then looked back at Soundwave.

"Okay why create those two? I mean you have Ravage Rat Bat and Lazerbeak but why those two?" Slipstream asked pointing to Frenzy and Rumble.


The group jumped from the loud roar

"What now?" Slipstream groaned.

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