I'm back. ^u^ Dream I had last night. Pretty crazy. It's about Andrew Siwicki.

I was like part of a time travelers ship crew, I was new. Anyway, Andrew (the one and only) was a member and... Whew. This dream, I guess is a story of our relationship.

I was in an art room on the ship and was going to sketch. Him and another guy volunteered to be models. Okay. Well... Andrew started getting undressed. Yes. I pretended to not notice. I was getting kinda scared. (This dream had lots of confused, crazy love emotions where idk what I should do. Should I go with it and be a bad girl or should I be modest to my beliefs?) Hehe, so once he got to his last layer I was filled with feelings of emotion and kinda scared. So I was like, "Umm, please, no. I'd rather not." So he put his clothes back on.
I should probably try to describe this relationship thing better. (Idk about you but many times when I am in dreams there's just things that I know. it's like watching only parts of a movie, but you've seen all of it before so you know the ins and outs. But.. I don't remember having all of the dream.) Anyway, he really likes me. And it's an odd situation from my standpoint and even odder from someone on the outside. I know in real life I like Andrew, even tho we've never met, and so I'd expect to love him still in dream form. It's just here.. he wanted me. And honestly not in the creepy sense!! He was loyal and understanding no matter how much it seems the way I describe it that he was a creep--he's good.
My word do I crave and love that feeling I got in my dream when I was with him. So confused. So hallucinated and infatuated. It was so crazy bad that it felt so good.
Then next part I remember was our last time together. And the next part will get emotional, At least to me. He took me to an outside room and I could feel it was going to all end soon with him. He showed me flashes of all the times we were together he took on some device. I thought it was adorable he did so. We looked at each other... this is where i got the most feelings. Oh my lord, he wanted me to kiss him so bad and he looked so amazing and it felt the time I should finally do it.. I was contemplating out loud.. I finally said 'I'll do it' and shoved myself up to him. (since I'm super short >.<)He stopped. Everything stopped.
But I wanted more! But the kissing was so odd, my memory of kissing human lips has never been recorded so how am I supped to know what kissing is like? My brain can't imitate it, yet somehow this was so powerful.
It faded away. 'Had I changed time', I thought. I think it's most likely... The next thing I knew I was in another time ship. But, it was.. more modern, futuristic. The crew I did not recognize, nor did they recognize me. I told them what happened.
The captain led me to a room. I was looking around astonished, she too. This was a familiar room. But something more was there which I could not take my eyes off of; there were the photos Andrew had taken, but printed off laying and hanging all about the room. I looked at every one of them. I actually started to tear up. We looked at each other, she could tell I knew something about them which she did not.
I then found my gaze at something lying on the bed. It was a ring. The ring that I didn't get to mention he had given to me. I can describe it to you even. It was a smooth magenta ring that goes all around the circumference with a gold rim. the ring was held in a cloth-like napkin which bared the dates "1839 - 1927" or around that. It... the dates kept changing. I assume that this was a significant date in which our time machine ship had been to, but I don't remember having all the dream or being given that information. Or rather, my brain creating it and giving myself back the information since it is only a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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