Fear of Flying

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22 December 2018, Ewha Women's University

At this point, Nancy didn't really know what to think. She had done everything she thought was necessary in a break. She gave Yeonwoo all the space she could ever need, even going as far as minimizing all friendly interaction that could be taken the wrong way...all because she didn't want the older girl to think that she was taking advantage of the situation or overstepping any boundaries.

She didn't even say anything to Yeonwoo when the older girl had taken some time off citing health issues for her hiatus; instead choosing to wordlessly cry her eyes out into the reassurance of JooE's unquestioning embrace the night after the MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards. She knew that would come to bite her in the ass the next day when she showed up to the airport with swollen, bloodshot eyes. She was just so grateful her roommate was so quick to jump in and provide her comfort without really asking any questions.

And she had been fine for a little while. She'd been taking the time off to become closer with all the other members in their group as well. She had especially grown fond of Nayun again. It had been a while since she and the girl with 4D contrasting charms had spent time together, especially due to the latter's problems with vertigo. She hadn't really seen her for about a quarter of the year. She had almost forgotten how good it felt when she was with Nayun...because with Nayun, Nancy was provided with the kind of solace she only ever found elsewhere in her own mother.

But then she would find Yeonwoo playing her hot and cold.

Like today for example, Yeonwoo seemed so eager to save her when they were playing Pop-up Pirate. And then Yeonwoo immediately ran towards her (and Nayun) when they were asked to group themselves as part of a game. After that, Yeonwoo ostensibly looked so disappointed thinking that she let the younger girl down during the ball relay they played with spoons. Things like that made Nancy feel like maybe a little break was all they needed, that maybe all the time they spent apart was going to be worth it...because in the end, both of them could be together again. Yet at the end of the fanmeet, she didn't miss the way the statuesque beauty had purposefully avoided grazing her even in the slightest as they had wrapped up their activities.

It was starting to get on her nerves.

But she told herself to be patient. She didn't want to drive the person that meant the most to her away in the other direction. She was in this for the long haul. Nancy would hang around forever if she had to, because she knew Yeonwoo was worth the wait.

The ride back to the dorms was rather quiet. Everyone was dead tired after their very first fanmeet, and everyone just wanted to catch up on some much needed sleep. She went straight to her room, scuffling through her things to take something out, while JooE was gently snoring on her bunk. She'd have to remember to wake up her roommate to wash up later after she did.

Nancy quietly snuck out into the common area, and took a peak into Yeonwoo's room. She found the older girl sprawled over her bed, tangled in messy sheets. She could see a soiled makeup remover wipe crumpled in the older girl's fist. The raven-haired vixen hadn't even bothered changing out of the clothes they left the auditorium in. The American softly giggled as she saw a little drool peaking out of the corner of the older girl's lips, while musing to herself 'She must be dead tired'

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