haha sex

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This is smut.

Don't be a pussy.

"God fucking damn it!" Elmer's voice rang through the almost empty store. It was his turn to clean the place while yn manned the register. One of the few problems he had was that yn wasn't here. Another man that previously was already working the register waited a bit for her to turn up, he was probably the nicest of all the employees. His name is unknown, he just exists. He has pale almost pink skin and long curly dark hair with a bit of a beard and mustache.

"Do you know where she is?" The man asked and rested his head in his hands,"also what's wrong?"

" This fucking place is a mess, how, who, and why does someone take a shit in this God forsaken Hell hole every week?" Elmer was less loud this time, but still rather loud. He angrily kicked the shit, literal shit, out the back door then yanked the mop from the bucket once more.

"I swear to God I'm going to hang myself" he groaned.

"Not without me you aren't" Yn burst through the door.

"Sorry about how late I am, I slept through my alarm" She took a sip of the water she had in her hand, "twice."

"It's fine, Elmer and I got to spend quality time with each other," the man said with a chuckle and grabbed his keys and left. Yn got in her place and threw her bottle into the trash bin beneath the counter.

"Any customers yet?" Yn asked and while rolling around a pen she found on the counter.

"Don't talk to me" Elmer sneered. He continued to violently mop the floor.

"Oh yeah? And what if I do?" Yn pushed, Elmer's brows furrowed.

"If murder was legal, you'd have been long gone by now,"  Elmer clearly was angry, or at least irritated. Yn didn't take no for an answer, she left her post and made her way to him.

"Why are you being more of an asshole than usual?" Yn asked jokingly, but really did want to know the answer. Elmer looked up at her then quickly back to the ground.

"It's clean, stop mopping nobody will notice you didn't mop an already clean floor, Elmer." Yn said and gave him a small push.

"Suck my dick" Elmer scoffed.

"Maybe I will" Yn said, as if her brain had no filter, "wait." Her face instantly turned a crimson shade and she held her hands up defensively. Elmer's face too went red, he looked up at her with a questioning look, not to ask her what she said but as if to ask her if she meant it. The two friends have always made sexual jokes but never about the other.

"That's......that's not what I meant. I...uhmm..sorry." Yn shook her hands as if to swat away the thoughts that ran through the both of their minds, "I'll just uhh go." Yn turned to go back to the register but before she could take her second step Elmer grabbed her wrist.

"Wait" Elmer spat out the word, but couldn't find what he meant to say after that. They both stared at each other awkwardly. Yn swallowed hard, then quickly stepped up to Elmer. She paused right in front of his face, noses touching, before kissing him. Elmer stood, shocked for a moment but gave in to the kiss. Her soft lips danced across his. Her hands made their way to his waist and his hands made their way to hers. She took one more small step forward and pushed her chest against his. 

Elmer pulled away to breathe and yn took the chance to breathe as well, but quickly let the words escape her mouth, "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that, please don't hate me."

"Shh" Elmer hushed her and quickly kissed her once more, this kiss was more hungry than the last, hungry for more. Elmer's cold hands slipped under yn's shirt and rested on her waist beneath the shirt. Yn let out a little squeak but pushed her body against his once more nonetheless. Before she could react, he pinned her against the wall, his hands still holding her close. Yn gasped a little but kept on kissing him. Yn pulled away and started kissing his neck, Elmer looked down and closed his eyes, not quite sure what he's supposed to do now. He decided on rubbing his hands up and down her waist. So he did, but every time his hands came back up they went farther and farther up each time.

Elmer x reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon