Untitled Part 7 (1)

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She pushed her way past a few thin branches, the occasional twig snapped beneath her. She wasn't supposed to be here, but it was too much to resist. Her lips curved into a small smile, as if she were holding in a laugh. But she knew better than to laugh, she might be seen. 

She's always loved walking through the woods, it reminded her of the times she'd spent int he woods as a child. She'd always trail behind her older brother and his friends, though she did get hurt often, she never left. She liked to think of herself as "one of the boys", she was only a year and a half  younger than her brother, so she was in their age group. She never ratted them out when they smoked, stole, trespassed, cursed, vandalized, or broke glass bottles behind restaurants. That was one of her favorite things to do, breaking glass bottles. The adrenaline that coursed through her veins as the loud shattering of glass rang through the air, it was even better at night. They did get caught once, the restaurant's owners called the cops, and the kids ran like hell.

She sighed, those were the days. 

Anyways, she was here, in the woods, because of work reasons. 

Or as her boss called it, his concentration camp. Well, he's not wrong, it's just ironic. His German accent is what really gets her, it's not offensive, just funny. Though she's unsure if the same could be said from her mother, who is Jewish. She'd have to stay here for four days, and her boss had even been considering five, It's undecided so far, but he might have them stay another day. Her boss, Jurgen, had mandated this trip so he an focus on his creative thinking. 

She had been able to slip away because none of her coworkers really cared and how blind her boss was. He was like, really blind, completely blind actually.  She was semi friends with one of her coworkers, and he was okay with lying to their boss if he asked for Yn. She was surely going to pay him back, she just didn't know how to yet. 

A cool breeze blew by and it felt lovely. Now that she though about it, it was getting a bit colder. She unconsciously lifted her hands to rub her arms. 

"I should be getting back now," Yn said as she pushed her way through the trees and onto a trail. She began walking mindlessly through the trails.

She turned around another corer, only to be met by more trails. This park doesn't have any Goddamned signs? She finally admitted to herself that she had no idea where she was. She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check if Darryl, the coworker that had her back, had texted. He hadn't, or maybe he had. She had no idea, because there was no signal. She groaned and shoved her phone back inside her pocket. A small drop of water hit the top of her had, she looked up and another hit her nose. She looked down and wiped it off with her hand. She just stood there for a few seconds, staring at the ground beneath her. Collecting her thoughts. 

At the time her brain wasn't exactly working as she wanted it to, then she finally settled on running. Running until something happened. The rain began pelting down on her and the land around her faster and harder. Occasionally a drop would hit her eye, causing her to flinch and wipe her eyes. She hadn't seen anyone, nobody at all. Not until she turned another corner. She saw a figure walking on a bridge, they stopped and looked down at the water. They held an umbrella over their head, Yn hesitated but made their way up to them. She had stopped running now, just walking at this point. She held her head down, somewhat in embarrassment and somewhat to keep the water out of her eyes. The person noticed Yn and looked down at them, the bridge was one of those rounded ones, the half circle ones that rose above the river. 

"Excuse me? Do you have any directions to the uhmm.." Yn started speaking as she took her last few steps toward him. She held her hand over her eyes, the eyes that were clouded with fear. Not fear of anything normal, it was irrational fear of being judged by this stranger. Her eyebrows creased as she tried to think of what she was trying to get directions from.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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