Untitled Part 7

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This time it'll be from Elmer's point of view, normally I'll do third person, so please excuse me if I suddenly switch views by accident. 

I was falling into a big dark hole, into nothingness, like the rest of my people. We get treated like shit, and then flushed down the drain just like it. I didn't expect a savior, nor did I deserve one, but, Hell did I need one. And one came, at the very last moment. Cliché, I know, but it happened. She held out her hand and I accepted it. But at what cost? To burden her with the mess I call myself? How does she see the good in everything while I only see a terrible world not really worth living in. Nothing would be the same, nothing could  be the same. I know she wants me to stop, but I can't. It's all I think about now, it's all that I know.


I held my book to my chest as I flopped back in the couch I rested on. I held it like my life depended on it. Reading was my only escape, that and Yn, of course. It's almost as if it was all just a bad dream that I can't shake. But I almost died  and Yn went out of her way to help me. To help me. The one who always made her day at work absolute Hell every time he got the chance, the person she was stuck with at the worst possible times, and the person that she still saw the good in no matter how far the bad was buried until you could begin to realize there was even any good left in him. 

I rubbed my thumb along the spine of my book and covered my face with the thing. I squeezed my eyes closed and opened them again. Not knowing what I wanted to see, but I know what I did see. A pair of eyes staring back at my own. I gasped and pulled the book away from my face. I looked down at the cover to see a person's face, their piercing eyes staring at me. I recognized them as Toby's, the main character of my book. I hadn't realized that I've been holding my breath all this time and finally let myself breathe. The breaths I took were shaky and big, as if I were just drowning a moment ago. I looked down at the book again and stared at it for a few moments before tossing it to the other side of the couch. 

I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen and was met with the note she left on the fridge when she left a few hours ago. I had already found it, of course. It read: 

"I'll be back around ten, maybe eleven. Help yourself to whatever you can find, except my burrito. I swear to God if you eat my burrito I will put you in so much pain.


I chuckled a bit and opened the fridge, not really hungry, but I could  eat. I scanned the shelves and door with my eyes and grabbed a bottle of water. Which I knew I'd only take a few sips of before misplacing it and losing it, but I continued to unscrew it as if I were oblivious to it. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was about nine forty. I took a sip and scrolled through my notifications and saw a few missed calls. I swallowed hard, they were from Yn. I scrolled some more and saw a few texts were sent from Yn. I opened them.

Hey can u come pick me up?

They left me again I think

They said theyd b back from the bathroom but its been an hour

I left my car at home, we all rode in lyndseys car

my keys are on the coffee table nxt to the door

That was from over forty minutes ago. Oh God, why didn't I hear my phone? Or even feel it vibrating? I quickly called her, tapping my foot nervously. No answer. I called again. Again, no answer. I kept calling and calling but no answer came. I called again.

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