Belgrave, Oh Belgrave

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I held the acceptance form tight to my chest, as it it were going to up and leave. My parents were just in the other room, bickering over some childish disagreement.

Though I knew they would be happy for me, I couldn't help but feel a small amount of dread. Summoning up my courage, I waltzed right into the main room.

They didn't notice me at first, and continued to argue. I sighed deeply, clearing my throat. My parents stopped mid disagreement, looking at me with undeniable inquiry.

Biting on to my bottom lip, I stuck out the acceptance form for my parents to see.

"I got in," I said, almost a whisper.

"What? You-- you got accepted?" A smile curves it's way on to my mom's face. "You got accepted! Honey, I'm so proud of you."

"Of course you did," my dad laughed, drawing me, and my mom into a tight hug.

"My daughter's going to Belgrave. Our daughters going to Belgrave!"

"I am. Oh, I'm eccentric. There's so much to prepare for. I--I need to pack, I need to enroll in dorms, and get my car from the shop."

"I am, oh, so proud of you Chandler," my mother praised.

"Thanks mom." I say, taking her hand.
My mom squeezes my hand before herding my father, and herself to the other room, while I run off towards mine. Not caring to waste any time, I begin my packing right away.

I stare astounded at the school in front of me, thousands of students roaming its lands. Grabbing one of my bags from its spot on the ground, I lead me, and my parents towards the dorms.

"Are you sure you can't just stay with us?" My mom begs, dropping one of my bags in front of my dorm room door.

"Yes mother. Now then, would you please stop complaining, and help me carry the rest of these bags in?" My mom stopped whining, usher my father in behind her.

"You could have at least registered for a roommate," my dad piped in.

"Not a chance old man." My dad gave me a look, placing down my bags, and heading for the door.

"That's it hun. Me, and your mom are gonna head on back to the car. Need anything else before we leave?" I could tell he was asking for a reason to stay.

"Just go you nut," I say, shooing my parents out the door.

When they retreated down the hall, I closed my door, taking a deep breath. Box's and bags layed about the room, making the room look bare, and unorderly. With one final nod of my head, I began unpacking.

The room already had a bed, desk, and dresser, I just needed to put everything in its place. Starting with my clothes.

Everything had been just thrown into a box, not caring to label or organize, except my clothes. They were the easiest task, and caused me least amount of OCD. My shoes, socks, bras, and underwear were all packed away in one box, while, my shirts, skirts, shorts, dresses, and pants, were packed in others. The only problem was that I was going to need to find those boxes.

Almost finished unpacking my dorm, I decided to venture about campus. At first I thought about just wandering about aimlessly, but eventually decided to join in on the freshman orientation tour.

I had to say, the tour was pretty rad, and the actual tour guide was astounded by the student, Jack's, description of everything.

When all was said and done, I decided to stick around to ask him a few questions.

"Where did you learn all of that?" Alyssa asked Jake.

"I would also like to know," I piped in.

"My grandfather used to work here, and he's a bit of a Belgrave completist," Jack explained.

"Yeah, that was kind of impressive, " Alyssa said.

"Impressive enough to buy you dinner?" I nearly feel over laughing.
Alyssa just scoffed, just as another person made an appearance.

"Man! Will you two sleep together already?" The guy asked. "Everyone on campus is talking. You're like the Jim and Pam of Belgrave. Hi Randall Carpio, and you are?" He asked sticking out his hand.

"Leaving," Alyssa said as she turned to leave. "By the way. Everyone knows the orders fake news. The library doesn't even have a basement."

This time Alyssa did leave, and I turned to Jake, and Randall.
"Hi, I'm Chandler Doil. Nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand to shake with both Randall, and Jack.

"Jack Morton," he said as he took my hand.

Randall jumped in front of Jack. "Ouch! Architecture burn! Come on, let's grab a beer. You're free to join Chandler."

"Thanks," I say, following after them.

"You're over 21, right?" Randall asked the both of us.


"Ahh! Kidding! I don't give a shit."

"Thank you," Jack said.

"Thank you," I followed.

"Cheers. " We all clink our glasses.

"Look man, I wouldn't take her rejection to hard. You never stood a chance. She would have bailed the second she saw your star wars bed sheets."

"Give him some slack, at least he tried. Probably more of a man than you would have been," I said.

"Ouch. Now that hurt." I nearly shrugged my shoulders, taking another drink.

"I'm no interested in her," Jack said, turning around to face two guys, and a chick. Well damn.

"You're into him? Or her or the other him?" Randall pointed. Jack hit his hand.

"What do you know about the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose?" Jack whispered, I just scoffed, finishing off the last of my beer.

"It's a crock of shit," Randall leaned in, and whispered.

Jack sits up, clearing his throat. "I think they might have been recruited, and I'm trying to figure out what they have in common."

"Besides being... Elitist assholes? Hi." The girl looked over at us.

"You got that right," I laugh.

"Hey, a lot of good people are members. Michelle Obama, Warren Buffett, Oprah."

"You know who's also supposed to be a members? Bad people, like Benito Mussolini, George W. Bush. Oprah."

"For someone who doesn't believe, you sure know a lot about them."

Randall shrugs, "I'm wikipedia smart. Look, even if they do exist... I wouldn't get your hopes up."

"Why's that?" Jack inquires.

"They want sheep. You've got a mind of your own." Randall takes a drink from his glass.

"And that's a good thing, it means your independent. A leader if you will," I add.

"Yeah, well who wouldn't want unlimited power?" Jake asks, completely absorbed with the notion of a secret society.

"Me," I respond, raising my hand, Randall just glares for a bit.

"Thanks for the beer, see you around." Jack gets up from the table, leaving me, and Randall.

"Sounds good."

"Could you get me another of beer?" Randall chuckles, looking away from the group of 'recruits'.

"Sure thing."

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