All Alone Again

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My pencil danced across the page while I sat on the beanbag, and the rest of them chanted "one of us", over, and over again as Jack shotguns a bottle of beer.
Lilith cheered when he finished, and crushed the can.
"Long is the road, and short us the life. Jack Morton, welcome home," Hamish congratulated, shaking his hand.
I sigh, looking up from my drawing. "You guys are like The Cult of Chucky. Passing hides onto other people, killing shit."
"That's absurd, we are the good guys," Hamish disagreed.
"Now, let's kick evil's ass!" Randall exclaimed, the rest of them cheering.

Everyone sat quietly, doing homework, while I played sprawled across the floor, drawing the surrounding room.
Jack was the only one without something to do, staring blankly into space.
The clock ticked as the seconds went by, the room so quiet you could hear a mouse shit. Finally tired of being so bored, Jack spoke up.
Lilith instantly shushed him, typing away at her computer.
"I thought we were going to fight evil," Jack whispered.
Looking up from his text book, Randall replied, "And we will. When there's evil to fight."
"Until then, will you all please shut up so I can work on my essay?" Lilith spoke up.
"She said please," I gasped. Lilith just flipped me off.
Hamish was the next to speak up, his deep voice filling the quiet space. "What are you writing about?"
"The feminist metaphor of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein."
"Let me guess, the monster is a clitoris," Hamish teased, Lilith proceeded to flip him off as well.
There was a quiet before Lilith spoke up. "Yes."
"So what? We're just gonna sit around? It's already been a week," Jack complained.
"Jack, we can't go all "Justice League" until our Spidey-senses tingle," Randall spoke up, making me loss my shit.
"You did not," I complain.
"No. I told you once. You can't mix DC, and Marvel," Hamish scolded.
"DC, and Marvel. Yeah," Randall grumbled at the same time as Hamish
"Thank you," I sigh, high fiving Hamish.
"Shouldn't we at least go out, and look for evil doers?" Jack continued to press.
"You didn't not just say "evil doers"," Lilith complains.
Hamish then took over yo explain something to him. "Look, Jack, being a Knight is a sacred duty-"
"Ha. Doody," Randall laughs, I kick his shin, and Hamish rolls his eyes.
"--And I know your anxious to get in on the game, but waiting is part of--," The wolves all stopped what they were doing, looking around the room. My guess, they heard the ringing.
"Finally!" Jack jumped up, but the others just went back to doing what they were doing. "We're not going to check that out?"
"It's probably just your friend stealing another pizza," Lilith said, throwing the idea away.
But Jack was not giving up. "Or maybe it's something evil, killing people?"
"Guys, I made my decision," Hamish commanded.
"Oh, come on, Lame-ish," Randall teased childishly. "Once around the campus, what harm can it do?"
Then Lilith stood up. "Anything to shit him up."
Hamish stood up, and Jack throws his arms back excitedly, walking out the room. I head upstairs, not in the mode to see people strip.
"Where you going?" Randall asks Jack.
"Ah, is little Jackie shy?" Teased Lilith.
"I'm an only child!" He shouted.
When the Knights all left, I stayed behind to finish my drawing. When I had completed it, I set it down on the mantel.
It was a drawing of everyone, including myself, from early this afternoon when Lilith, Hamish, and Randall were doing homework, Jack was being bored, and I was drawing this picture.
I didn't have the patience to color it yet, so I just made a larger copy to paint it later, and replace the colorless one with.
It was already pretty late, and I was just about to pass out. I made my self a cocktail, sat on the couch, and watched Netflix on my laptop. I was asleep in no time.
"Lilith, you killed that girl!" I woke up to the sound of Jack yelling.
"Girl? She was barely human," she defended.
I groaned, opening my eyes to see them all back, and dressed in their robes. I sighed, and watched the scene unfold.
"Oh, look, their fighting," Hamish grumbled.
"Guys." Randall yawned as Hamish placed a drink in front of him. "No. Stop."
"There are was to do this that don't involve killing anyone," Jack persisted.
"Good morning to me," I grumble under my breath.
"What part of 'werewolf' don't you understand?" Lilith asked.
"Honestly? I don't understand why we spell it like 'were', but pronounce it like 'wear'." Randall chimed in stupidly.
"What if that girl was possessed? Maybe she was like Clark. Maybe we could have saved her."
"Look," Lilith leaned forward, "fine. Sometimes we can wear out a spell, and not kill anyone, and that's great." She got up. "But if it comes down to me or some monster bitch who ate a guys face of, I'm getting mine."
"How many innocent people have died so you can get your rocks off?" He stepped up to her, challenged her.
"You're not in charge here," she pressed back.
"No, I am." Hamish spoke up, turning to Jack. "You, stop trying to call the shots," he turned to Lilith. "You, stop trying to kill everybody."

"What the hell is an Elemental transference?" Hamish asked Jack as Randall downed the rest of his cup.
"That's what I asked. It's not in any of the basic spell books," Jack explained. "Alyssa said it's super-rare. But trust me, If Coventry ordered it, it can't be good."
Randall then held the pitcher up to Jack's face, and he sighed. "I've done it twice already. Go to the bar," Jack sighed.
"Come on." Randall complained. "I don't want to go. It's to crowded. Come," he whined.
"I wanna go on the record that I'm completely opposed to this," Lilith said.
"You want to go to the bar?" Hamish asked her.
Lilith looked over shoulder towards the heavily packed bar. "Yeah, no," she said, looking back towards him.
"Come on Jack, please?" I asked, leaning against the small table.
"Come on," Randall continued to press him. "Come on."
Jack looked around the table, and sighed. Biting his thumb till it bled, and pressing it to the pitcher. "Anaplerosi," he whispered.
The pitcher began to fill itself, and Randall awed in excitement, watching it with a huge smile.
"Wait, why is there no ringing?" Randall asked.
"Maybe because he's a knight," Hamish reasoned.
"So cool," Randall said, taking the pitcher.
"So not cool," Lilith said just after him.
"Look, we have to figure out what this Elemental Transference is, and why they want it," Jack stated.
"No, we need to stop them." Lilith said.
"You can't just storm the temple on this one," Jack deadpanned. "The place is defended by a fuck-ton of magic spells."
"That's ten shit-tons, impressive," Hamish said sarcastically, pouring himself a drink.
Randall smiled. "I suppose you have a better idea?" Lilith challenged.
"I'm behind enemy lines, "Jack says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Okay, I can sabotage the spell for the inside, and stall time while you guys research what it does."
"I'm with Jack on this one, Lilith. We can't just storm the castle," I say, bringing my glass up to my lips.
"Sounds good," Hamish agrees, setting down the pitcher and picking up his glass.
"Sounds stupid," Lilith shots back, looking over at Hamish. "Guys. We're supposed to be the Knights of Saint Christopher, not the Nerds of Saint Christopher.
"And what if he gets caught?" Randall asks.
"They'll probably just kill him," Hamish casually says.
Jack looks over at the leader. "Wait, what?" He asks.
Hamish bobs his head. "Hey, this is your idea."
"When he screws up and dies, we go with my plan," Lilith speaks up.
Randall nods, holding up his glass. "Deal." Following suit, Hamish and Lilith hold up theirs as well. Deciding I didn't want to be left out, I hold mine up as well and we all chink glasses.

"So, what are you going to do while everyone else is saving the world?" Randall asks jokingly, playing with my fingers as I lean up against him.
"I'm probably just going to stay back and draw," I answer, staring at our intertwined fingers.
"What are you going to draw?" He asks, trying to keep the conversation going.
I sigh, sitting up on the bed. "I don't know, probably a landscape. I've got some homework assignments to finish up. I'll see you later?"
He nods. "Sure." Leaning down, I press a quick kiss to his lips, grabbing my Jean's and hopping into them.
"Don't get killed," I smile over my shoulder, turning the door knob and leaving his bedroom.
On the way down I bump into Lilith, sending her a smile. "What were you doing up in.... Nevermind," she says when realization dawns on her.
I chuckle. "See you later lil," I begin to head for the front door when I remember something, calling back over to her, "good luck with the spell. Hope you defeat the bad guys."
She nods, smiling slightly. "Thanks, Chandler."

"You fucking hypocrite!" Lilith accuses Jack as he walks in, descending from the stairs.
"Okay, let's take a breath," Hamish says.
I sigh. "What'd he do this time?"
"You have the nerve to give me shit about eating some monster's heart, but you turn around and drive a van full of people to their drath!" She was pissed, beyond it even.
"You what?" Randall asks, looking up from his book. I set my notebook aside. I love me some good drama.
"It's the Elemental Transference. The spell needs willing sacrifices. Five of them," Jack explains as Lilith power walks into the sittingroom, putting her hand to her face.
"You're supposed to be sabotaging it," she says, following Jack next to the bar where Hamish stood, watching the squabble, "not helping."
"I did sabotage it!" Jack defends himself. "Okay? And we were up and running again in twelve hours."
"Dude," Randall speaks up, "... We're your 'we'."
Lilith looked exasperated l. "So you failed. You admit it."
"No. Look, I talked to Coventry. I saw it in his eyes. He's so desperate for this spell, he'll do anything. He'll risk the entire Order, and we need to know why."
Hamish speaks up. "We know why."
Jack looks from Hamish to Randall, who stands up, his book open, and looking at one of the pages. "This spell cures sickness by passing it on to other people," Randall says, handing Jack the book.
"And they don't just die. The disease has to kill them," Hamish explains, "or else the whole thing reverses. It's torture, Jack."
Jack looks down, reading the book. "When did I learn Latin?"
"Really, that's what you're worried about? Your ability to read Latin?" I chime in.
"Look, no! If he's doing this spell, he's doing it for a reason. There'll be something big at the end of it. Of we play it smart, I can figure out what Coventry's after, what his plan is, and then at the right moment--" Jack tries to defend.
"The moment is now!" Lilith interrupts. "This is the reason we became Knights!"
"What is we make it worse?" Jack exclaims, staring down Lilith. "What if we save these five people, and then he kills a thousand?"
"I won't let that happen," Hamish argues.
"He lit his hand on fire as a parlor trick. You go at him, he's gonna put you down. And then none of this gonna matter," Jack emphasizes his point.
"It's gonna matter to those five people," Lilith says, completely disregarding Jack's point.
"Oh, whatever 'Kill-ith'," Jack mocks childishly
Lilith looks his over. "Okay, I love the nickname, but this is still wrong."
Everyone looks everywhere put eachother. Jack looks like he's about to blow. "Randall, you wanted an inside man," Jack tries to empathize, stepping towards the dark haired man. "Let me do my job as a Knight." Randall thinks his words over and Jack backs up, trying to appeal to the next member. "Hamish, no one can save those people, but we can stop Edward Coventry for good."
Hamish steps out from behind the bar, towering over Jack. "You see a chance to stop this spell, you take it." He commands, talking to Jack, not as his friend, but as his leader.
"I promise I will," Jack agrees.
"Then go." Without further need for instruction, Jack turns around and leaves the house.
Lilith scoffs at Hamish, and shakes her head.
"Well, let's all pray to the God's that fuck up doesn't do what he does best," I joke, trying to lighten the mood.
It doesn't nothing.

"Jack said he would come back," Lilith rants, climbing down from the stairs and pacing in the foyer. "He fucked us. It's over."
"No. We can still stop this," Hamish says, coming in from the sittingroom.
"How?" Lilith asks, looking between Randall and Hamish.
"The book said the sacrifices have to die from the disease," Hamish explains.
"And what happens is the don't?" Randall pitches in.
Hamish, standing tall and leader like, looks between the two other members. "We win. Follow my lead."
Turning towards the doorway, Hamish leads the three of them out of the house. "About fucking time," Lilith declares.
Hearing the door close, I watch them leave, staying behind as I always do.

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