Werewolf Hunt

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It was only my first week at Belgrave, and already two students were dead, and another injured. I was walking about campus, when I noticed Jack, lazing about with a giant dick on his forehead.

I just laughed, kicking his boot.
"What happened to you?"

"I have no idea," he said, but I could tell he was lying, it was all written in his eyes. I knew exactly what happened to him.

"Dude, get up. You're embarrassing," I joke, offering him my hand.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence."
After Jack got back to his dorm, I headed back to mine. To my surprise, Randall was there.

"Can I help you?"

"Actually, you can. I'm in need of a drinking buddy. And seeing as Jack is currently unavailable--"

"That leaves me. Wow, I feel so... Wanted," I toss my bag on to my bed, taking a seat next to Randall.

"Well, you see. I'd be more than happy to go day drinking, but I don't want to."

"Than you could at least let me hang around." Randall gave me a quick smile.

"Mhm. If I didn't know any better, which I don't. I'd say you want to spend time with me," I answer, mocking the male.

"Ahh. You got me. Now, what do you say?" He responded semi teasingly

"Sure, but know this. I only hang around with guy's I want to sleep with." I scuttled closer to him, whispering into his ear. "Consider yourself lucky."

Randall was already gone, probably scared off by my straightforwardness. I wouldn't blame, I mean, even though I meant what I said, I was just trying to find a way to scare him off.

My hands were buzzing, tiny sparks of electricity flaring from them. My magic was going haywire. And I didn't need to scare someone off. Again.

It was starting to get dark, the stars making their appearance in the night sky. I was planning on staying in, but decided a nice walk would do me good. Clear my mind, let me be in control.

By the time I got back to my dorm, it was already becoming light. I knew I had classes in the morning, so I decided to get even just a wink of sleep before classes began.
Eventually I awoke to some commotion outside, I didn't sound good, so I raced down to see.

People were circling around a tree. Up in its branches was a guy, dead as a door nail. I sighed deeply, walking closer to get a better look. Jack was there, and he looked so deflated, I couldn't help but feel sorry.

After classes I decided to go grab a beer. When I walked in, I noticed Jack, climbing into the booth with Randall.
"You're gonna think I'm insane," Jack declared.

"Already there," Randall said, not looking up from what he was working on.

"Hi boys." I climb in next to Jack. "Why do we think Jack's insane?"
Jack leans in.

"I think I know what's killing everyone," this catches Randall's attention.

"Really?" I inquiry, already pretty confident in what I believe is causing all this fuss.
"Don't you mean "who"?" Randall inquiries.
"No, definitely what." Jack argues.

"Fire away." I pipe in.

"Oh, you mean, like, the weapon? What is it? Is it like a machete? A parang?" The cute idiot prattle off, innocent intrest in his eyes.
"A werewolf." I stiffen at his answer. Noy was he wrong.

"Oh, a mythical creature." I knew enough about Randall, to know he didn't think it was a mythical creature. Far from it.

"I've seen it, okay. It's chased me. Also, I've chased it, which I think I need to do again." Jack tries to defend himself.

"And you honestly believe chasing a "werewolf" is a good idea. If it's killed all these people, what makes you. think it won't do the same to you?"
They both ignore me.

"Dude, are you seriously asking me on a werewolf hunt?" Randall asks the clinically insane brunette.
"And clearly I'm the mayor of crazy town, and I'll be going," Jack exclaims, grabbing his bag, prepared to leave.

"Because I am in." Randall finishes.
What an idiot.

"What if I'm wrong?" Jake presses the other male.
"Which you are," I grumble to myself, smart enough to know that nothing I'm saying is being taken into account.

"Dude... What if your right?"

"You guys are idiot's. But if your going on some stupid suicide mission, count me in. I need to keep an eye on you two."


"What's with all the hamburger?" Randall asked, going through Jack's pack.

"I don't know. Tradition." The brunette answered, eliciting a roll of the eyes from me.

"Okay, then meet me there," the girl we were stalking exclaims on her phone. "No don't invite her, please."

"Here we go," Jack says as she gets to the bottom of the stairs, us following behind.

"This is so dumb, I already know it's not a damn werewolf," I mumble under my breath, but Randall clearly heard me, giving me a weird look.

The girl continued whining on the phone yelling 'excuse you!' when she gets bumped into.

"Pretty badass Morton. Using fellow students as bait." The idiot brunette compliments.
"That's not what we're doing." The other idiot brunette responds.

"We're not following suspected pledges around, hoping a werewolf will show up to kill them?" Carpio suggest.

"That's exactly what we're doing," I grumble.

"Shit," Jack cusses.
"That's exactly what we're doing," they both say.

"We need a better plan," Jack concludes, stopping in his tracks.

"Dude, trust me, this is a great one," Randall says as he puts his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"You guys are dingbats," I hiss, causing both the guys to roll their eyes at me.

"Go get her!" Randall enthuses, sending Jack of on his eay. His smile slowly fades.

"You are such a sadist. Almost like you kill on a daily," I accuse, getting a small rise out of Randall.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's quite simple really," I turn to start heading back to my room. "It's what werewolves do."

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