Princess D'Mara

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A young woman made her way through the crowded streets of Birnin Zana, the capital kingdom of Wakanda. She looked like any other Wakandan living in the Golden City, but she was special. This woman had long silver-blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a beaded crop top and a skirt with feather designs. Gold earrings dangled above her shoulders. Her name is D'Mara. She is King T'Challa and Queen Ororo's daughter. She was accompanied by two women of the Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards, and Wakandan special forces. One was a middle aged woman named Vetyeka. The other was a young adult named Nobomi. D'Mara was headed to her Aunt Shuri's underground lab. Shuri is T'Challa's younger sister, and former Princess of Wakanda. She is a genius-level inventor and the creator of much of Wakanda's modern technology. Shuri is the founder and leader of the Wakandan Design Group. D'Mara loves to visit and see what new devices and designs Shuri comes up with. D'Mara, Vetyeka and Nobomi boarded one of the Maglev Trains leading to the outskirts of the city. Shuri's lab is built into the cavern walls of the Great Mound, the entrance to a series of mines located underneath Mount Bashenga that serves as the world's only known natural source of vibranium. Vibranium is an extremely rare element that is only native to Wakanda. In a pure mass, vibranium forms a solid metal that is stronger than steel, but only a third of the weight, as well as being completely vibration absorbent. This makes the material nearly indestructible, as any attempt to physically damage the material will be absorbed instead of breaking or weakening it. The Maglev Train reached the outskirts of the city and stopped. D'Mara, Vetyeka and Nobomi got off and walked across the plains towards the Great Mound. It was distinguishable because of a tower. This tower was built near a cliff's edge. There was a huge hole that dropped deep underground. It was wide enough for transport ships to fit through. Around the area is a landing and docking spot for Wakandan Dragon Flyers and Talon Fighters. The entrance to Shuri's lab was near the edge of Great Mound in the tower. Two other members of the Dora Milaje were standing guard at the entrance. Their names were Dyani and Calata. They nodded as the group passed by. D'Mara, Vetyeka and Nobomi walked down a flat spiral staircase to Shuri's workspace. Vetyeka and Nobomi stopped by a door at the bottom of the staircase and stood guard. D'Mara continued inside. She walked down another flat staircase but this one was not long. It circled around a healing room in the center of the lab.

"Auntie Shuri?" D'Mara called.

All was quiet. She looked around the different stations of the lab looking her Aunt. D'Mara frowned. Normally the lab was busy with noise, chatter and experimenting. D'Mara went to Shuri's private workspace. It was one of the bigger rooms in the lab, with a wonderful window view of the vibranium mines below. On her desk were plans of a new kind of cloaking device. D'Mera smiled.

"Auntie Shuri! You can come out of hiding now." D'Mara said. "I can't imagine what is hiding you from my view."

D'Mara heard her Aunt laugh. She was in another room.

"Oh, my dear niece! You spoil the fun!" Shuri complained.

She walked into her workspace wearing a light blue, vibranium threaded cloak that fell from her shoulders to her knees and was tied around her neck. It had wood grain-based textures. This cloak looked like one of the Border Tribe's habits.

"I take it that is the newest version of a Border Tribe's cloak?" D'Mara guessed.

Shuri nodded.

"Yes. I have upgraded the technology of the cloak. Now a Border Tribe member can protect himself in an attack from all sides with a dome like shield. That shield also has the characteristics of a cloaking device so the wearer can move unseen." Shuri explained.

D'Mara was impressed.

"That is wonderful, Auntie Shuri!" She cried.

Shuri smiled. She took off the cloak, folded it and set it aside.

"Soon it will become the standard of the Border Tribe's Habits." Shuri said.

She sighed and looked up at her niece.

"Do you think your father would like this?" Shuri wondered.

D'Mara smiled.

"Of course! T'Challa thinks very highly of you and your work. I also know that the Border Tribe's leaders and fighters will love it!" D'Mara declared.

Shuri smiled. She can sometimes be nervous of what her brother thinks about her ideas. T'Challa can be very traditional when it comes to certain activities. But he is always impressed with Shuri and all the amazing things she creates.

"What other projects have you been working on?" D'Mara wondered.

Shuri normally works at multiple things at once. D'Mara knew that this wasn't all, Shuri has been working on something big. Shuri smiled. She loved to show her niece all of her ideas and projects.

"Follow me."

Shuri and D'Mara moved to a viewing section. There were different parts of manikins for certain types of things. Shuri stopped at a table. She gestured to a necklace. It was long and rested on a manikins shoulders. The necklace was vibranium and had silver engravings. It had white, light turquoise and olive green jewels scattered in it. D'Mara awed at the beautiful necklace. Shuri smiled.

"I have not shown this to your father yet. I hope he approves of it." Shuri admitted.

D'Mara looked up at her.

"What is it?" She asked.

Shuri grinned.

"It is the necklace to your Black Panther Habit. I asked your mother what your favorite colors were, and this is what I came up with." Shuri explained.

D'Mara gasped.

Her own Black Panther Habit?!

"I don't know what to say! This is amazing!" D'Mara cried.

Shuri smiled.

"I know! Here, try it on!"

She lifted the necklace off the manikin and wrapped it around D'Mara's neck.

"You can mentally command the Habit to manifest around yourself, originating from the necklace with the same energy field generated capable of shredding any other clothing it replaces. Due to the helmet being integrated into the Habit, you can summon and dismiss the helmet portion whenever needed." Shuri started to explain.

She showed pictures and tests of the Habit.

"The Habit can receive energy from any incoming source, such as bullets being fired or attacks from enemies, that will charge the suit and enable you to repurpose the energy later. Your Habit will begin to glow white from its accumulated charge of energy, to which you can use either by releasing it all at once, or to charge their strikes during combat, further augmenting the force behind them." Shuri described. "The Habit possesses razor-sharp vibranium claws that are able to cut through almost anything. You can deploy claws out of the fingertips for slashing attacks, as well as from the knuckles for strikes."

D'Mara was impressed. Shuri smiled.

"The Habit also has a built-in communication system, allowing you to communicate with your mother or I through our Kimoyo Beads. Your father has a similar version of a Panther Habit so you can communicate with each other as well." Shuri added.

D'Mara smiled.

"I don't know what to say. This is all exciting and amazing!" D'Mara declared. "Thank you, Auntie Shuri!"

She hugged her. Shuri smiled.

"You're welcome, my sweet niece." She said. "Now go show your father."

D'Mara nodded. She turned and left.

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