Black Panthers

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In the outskirts of the Golden City, two Black Panthers played. One was an older male with purple eyes, the other was younger female with white eyes. They enjoyed each other's company, roaming through the dense jungle. T'Challa and D'Mara souls sometimes take the form of Black Panthers. They were trying out their suits, seeing their potential. D'Mara's suit was specially made for her mutant powers. Electricity didn't negatively effect the suit. D'Mara was excited. Her Black Panther suit was lovely and strong. D'Mara looked at her father.

"Yimangalisa, Baba!" She said in amazement. 

T'Challa smiled.

"Ewe kunjalo." He agreed.

They made their way through the woods back to the heart of the Golden City. The two royals entered their Palace. T'Challa laid his hand on D'Mara's shoulder.

"You will be a great Queen one day, D'Mara." He declared. "I am proud of you."

D'Mara smiled.

"Thank you, Baba."

She hugged him then ran off to her room. It was late, and she had an important week ahead of her. T'Challa smiled. Xoliswa and Anzi, two Dora Milaje women, walked up to him. T'Challa glanced at them.

"Are Vetyeka and Nobomi at D'Mara's room?" He asked.

Xoliswa nodded.

"Yes, my King. They have been waiting for her." Xoliswa replied.

T'Challa began walking to his room. The two women followed.

"Good. Did you brief them about D'Mara's trip?" T'Challa wondered.

Anzi spoke up.

"Yes, they have been informed about her visit to New York." She answered.

T'Challa sighed.

"I know Vetyeka and Nobomi will take care of her, but I still worry." T'Challa said.

Xoliswa and Anzi nodded. T'Challa walked up to his and his wife's room. Ororo's two Dora Milaje, K'Ja and Sayn, were at the door.

"Thank you, Dora Milaje. You can take your night positions." T'Challa said.

The four of them crossed their arms and nodded. T'Challa stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"T'Challa?" Ororo called.

"Yes, Ororo?" He aswered.

Ororo walked out from the bathroom. She sighed.

"Where have you, and D'Mara been? I saw Xoliswa, Aviwe, Vetyeka and Nobomi standing at the grand door." Ororo said.

T'Challa smiled. He walked up to her.

"Shuri made D'Mara her Panther Habit." He replied. "The two of us went into the jungle."

Ororo smiled."Oh? How was it?" She wondered.

She sat down on their bed.

"D'Mara was very excited. Shuri did an amazing job on the suit. It even compensates for her mutant abilities." T'Challa explained.

Ororo sighed. T'Challa could tell she was worried. He sat next to her.

"What's the matter, my Queen?" T'Challa wondered.

He thought he knew the answer.

"I'm worried about our daughter. New York is a crazy place." Ororo declared. "She looks so much like me, and I am worried that will draw unwanted attention to herself."

T'Challa wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I agree. But New York also is also very big, there are a lot of local authorities around. It's very modern like Wakanda, and D'Mara knows how to travel in a big city." T'Challa replied.

Ororo laid her head on him.

"Yes, New York does have its wonders. But it is still dangerous. I know D'Mara will be safe with Vetyeka and Nobomi. I just don't have a good feeling about it." Ororo said. "She hasn't fully mastered her abilities yet."

T'Challa sighed.

"D'Mara is still learning, yes. But she will be alright." He agreed.

Ororo laid down. T'Challa smiled.

"Besides, I sent Nakia and Gcobani on a mission a few months ago to watch over D'Mara while she is there." He declared. "Just in case anything does happen."

Ororo looked up at him and smiled.

"Good." She sighed.

T'Challa turned off the lights and they fell asleep.

What do yall think? I am still working on the story line and the trip going to New York. If yall have any input please comment!

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