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The next morning you are shattered your up at 6am and you had a thumping headache you knew you hadn't been drinking so it must have been something a cold maybe. Richard was already gone and you were alone in the house it was getting near 7.00 and you thought " Christ I'm gonna be late to work"! Your rushing upstairs to get ready for work when you into the bathroom and you find yourself holding your pounding head you then you start to feel woozy dizzy and sick you get out side the bathroom into Richards bedroom and panic Suddenly you fall on the floor slipping in and out of consciousness. You try desbrately yo reach for your mobile to contact Richard but you know he's probably turned off in his coat somewhere so he's unable to answer, you suddenly remember that you have the agents number Dallas the phone rings out and he answers .......

You: (faintly wbisper)  " dallas it's Alice I can't get hold of Richard I need him you know where he is"!

Dallas: " hold Alice I'm trying to get hold of him for you"!

Suddenly Richard answers

Richard Armitage: " Hello!

Dallas: " Richard you need to get home quick it's Alice she sounds like she's unwell"!

Richard Armitage: " ok thanks mate"!

Dallas then speaks to you ......

Dallas: " Richards on his way just hold on for us Alice hold on"! I've gotta be off now Alice you understand"!

You: (faint whisper) " ok thanks Dallas I understsnd"!

The phone cuts off, suddenly you hear Richards car pulling the gravel driveway he hastily puts the key in the door he pushes the door open and finds your no where to be seen down stairs but suddenly relieases your probably getting changed for work or at least that's what you were in trying to do when you collapsed. Richard opens his bedroom and finds in unconscious state on the floor he kneels beside you he starts to panic .........

Richard Armitage: " Alice baby it's me Richard what's happened"!

(Richard's stroking your hair)

You: (trying to speak) " I don't know one minute I was getting read......

Richard Armitage: " shh shh beautiful don't try and speak rest

Your trying desbrately not loosing conciousness holding his other hand you try and speak again

Richard Armitage : " hold on a second baby I'm just gonna get a pillow off the bed"!

Your lying there holding his hand and he's freeing his other one so that he grab his pillow of his side of the bed to put under your head. Your gripping tightly on his hand.

Richard Armitage: (smiling showing his white teeth) " Come on lets get on the bed eh you'll be far more comfy there"!

Your still slipping in and out of consciousness and so he decides to call for an ambulance.

You: " Rich Richard don't I'm fine see nothing wrong with me"!

Richard Armitage: " No I'm having it your going to hospital no arguments"! (Angrily but sweetly)

Richards one of the most attentive kindest gentlemen you've ever met.

After about 30 minutes the paramedics arrive ........

The paramedic: " Hello what's happened here"?

Richard Armitage: " I'd got a call from my agent to tell me that Alice was unwell age was getting ready for work when  she suddenly collapsed"!

You are lying on Richards bed unwell unable to do anything your too scared to move

The paramedic: " how long has she been like this"?

Richard Armitage: " couple of hours she just slipping in and out of consciousness"!

The paramedic: "right we can't identify what the problem is here so we're going to St George's"!

The paramedic: " is there any chance Alice could be pregnant"?

Richard Armitage: " erm that I dunno sorry"!

The paramedics brought the bed in the house, Richard lifts you off his bed and carries down stairs to strecher where paramedics take you in the ambulance"!

You awake to find to friendly smiley paramedics looking you .......

You: " what's what's going on? Where's richard"?

Richard Armitage: " I'm here angel shh shh beautiful I'm here just relax"! I found unconscious sweetheart so the paramedics are taking you to St George's hospital just to get you checked out Ali is there any chance you could be pregnant"!

You: " No no there's no chance"!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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