I Don't Care - RusAme

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For those of you wondering. This oneshot is old and it doesn't have anything to do with the AU I made. Hnngghh. Sorry

Also this oneshot is very, very, long. Sorry--


"I wish I never met you." America said, glaring daggers at the ground. "I wish you weren't even born!" The country yelled before running away.

Russia stood there, looking at America who was running away, blankly. The country felt his heart get crushed as America couldn't be seen in the distance anymore.

Russia felt a wet droplet that dripped down his face. He looked up to see that it wasn't raining. The country then realized that he was crying.


It was another beautiful day for Russia. Not.

Russia woke up on his alarm clock making a huge noise. He had a very great headache when he stopped the alarm. "The fuck happened..?" The country asks himself.

Russia sat up on his bed, holding his head with his hand. The country looked around the room to see 3 empty bottles of vodka on the ground. Russia sighs and gets up to head for the bathroom.

He grabs pills for his headache and takes a dose. Feeling a little better, Russia got in the shower after he stripped down. He started rinsing himself. After he was done he got out and put on some clothes for the day.

Russia went back to his room, grabbed his phone and went downstairs. It was a little quiet in the house, considering he now lives alone. He thought he wanted to live alone but by every second, he admits that he misses his siblings.

"There's no turning back, is there." Russia told himself. He sighs and sits down the couch, not feeling that hungry. The country grabs his phone and opens it, playing a game.

Russia decided that the game was too boring so he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He closed his phone and sighs. The country wasn't really paying attention to the TV. He was thinking about something else.

That something else was America. They've been alright but they weren't in the best terms. After the War that happened, the two countries started to have a war of their own. The Cold War.

A war that's basically a "who can flex the most" contest, but more. Russia laughed at the thought. During the Cold War though, Russia started having a bit of a crush on the other country. Okay, a big one.

It was a hassle for Russia to say the least. He knows that America hates him, which makes him kind of sad. Russia knows that he wouldn't have a chance, but he still liked the smaller country. No matter what he does, he can't seem to hate the country.

Russia sighs and grabs his phone, going to call a pizza delivery. The country was about to hit the dial button until he got a call from the country he was just thinking about.


Russia jumped a little, fumbling with his phone until he calmed down and answered the call. "The hell do you want?" He snarled, feeling sorry in the inside for doing that.

"Where the heck are you?! I've been waiting here for 20 minutes already!" The other country yelled through the phone, clearly impatient. On the other half, the ushanka wearing country was confused.

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