Chapter 8

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“Lawson” I whispered. His hand tightened around mine. I could feel tears rolling down my face. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears.

“Rosey” He tugged at my hand.

“Don’t” I replied.

“Rosey come here” This time he pulled a little harder. I heard him inhail sharply and concern raked over me. I looked up at him. His eyes were so dark with worry. “Please.”

I stood up and moved closer to top of the bed. He still held my hand tight, pulling me to him.

“Lay with me?” His voice so shy.

I shut my eyes, fighting the urge to run away in fear. I swallowed hard and did as he asked. I climbed careful so I wouldn’t hurt him and lay my head down next to his. I looked up at the white tiles above me. Lawson moved his hand so our fingers interlaced.

“Rosey, look at me” He asked cautiously.

“Lawson, I can’t” I turned my head to look out the door and I felt his weight shift.

“Why?” His voice almost panicked.

“Because, I’m afraid” I said honestly.

“Afraid of what?” He pushed. I felt his hand squeeze mine.

I rolled my head over, to see exactly what scared me the most.

“I’m afraid of losing you” I shut my eyes. I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

“Rosey, open those pretty eyes of yours please. I need you to see me when I say this.” His arm tightened around me. I opened my eyes and looked in his eyes.

“Lawson, you can’t take it back if you say it again” I pleaded for him not to say it.

“Rosey, I’m in love with you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. I want to be allowed to love you. But most of all I want you to love me back.” A single tear rolled down his cheek. He shut his eyes maintaining his grip around me.

“Lawson, I” I paused as his eyes flickered open “Lawson, you have no idea, what it means to hear you say that. To hear everything you said. I am so afraid of losing you, I couldn’t stand it if you weren’t around. Yesterday I was so scared that I had lost you. When I came back all I wanted to do was push you away because it hurt too much to be close to you. The night you came back, Scotty said something, he said you knew how I felt. That’s why I was in the barn. I couldn’t bear to see a look of dissatisfaction on your face. You can’t through those words around if you don’t mean them. Lawson” I couldn’t finish my sentence because his lips were pressed hard against mine.

I didn’t know what to do. I closed my eyes and let my heart take over. His lips were pressed hard against mine, but not roughly, it was more a force of desperation. Like he was trying to show me something. My mouth opened a little to kiss him back and before I knew it passion was rushing through me. His arm moved up my back and his hand rested on the crook of my neck. I moved my head slightly and deepened the kiss. It just felt so right, like I was finally able to show him how I felt and he was showing me his words were true. I put my hand on his chest and pushed slightly.

Our lips broke apart, both of us breathing heavy, looking into each other’s eye.

“I love you” He whisper, resting his forehead on mine.

“I love you too” I whispered back, a small smile playing on my lips.

He leaned in a kissed me again. This time it was much lighter, but I could still feel the passion running through it. It ended and I felt light headed, missing his lips already.

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