Chapter 10

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As we pulled up to the house, all the lights were off and the courtyard was still empty. I noticed a faint light coming from the barn, but didn’t think too much of it.

“Where is everyone?” I asked out loud.

“Out” Lawson replied simply.

“Out?” I questioned. My family don’t just go out.

“Wait there for a second” Lawson instructed while he opened his door and jumped out. I watched as he moved around the truck and stopped outside my door. He reached up lifting the handle.

“Madam, would you care to join me for some dinner?” Lawson’s sweet voice encased my ears making me smile.

“Of course good sir, and what shall we be ordering tonight” I mocked.

“Tisk, tisk, never underestimate me Rosey” I simulated a growling tone.

“Sorry” I held my hands up in surrender.

“Now please if you wouldn’t mind” Lawson held his hand up to me and helped me down from the truck.

“Lawson, what are you up to?” I said quietly as I followed him towards the barn.

“You’ll see” He announced.

We walked over to the barn and just as we got to the door Lawson stopped in his tracks making me bump into him.

“Ouch” I exclaimed, rubbing my head.

“Sorry Z,” He said turning around and placing his hand where I was rubbing. He looked me in the eyes and smiled, moving his hand around so it was resting on my cheek. “Have I told you how beautiful you look?”

“Enough time to cover a life span” I pushed playfully at his chest.

“Well get used to it, because I’m going to tell you enough to cover hundreds of life spans.” He said, lowering his head slightly to kiss me. I pulled back smiling.

“So are we going to eat or starve?” I motioned towards the door.

“Before we go in you have to tell me one thing” Lawson said hand still resting on my cheek.

“Yes” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Do you still want to be queen of the hay barn?” Lawson shifted his weight uneasily.

I can’t believe he remembers that.

“Depends” I paused.

“Depends?” He questioned “on what?”

“Whether you will be my king” I offered sweetly. He pulled me closer and kissed me softly. My lips were tingling with excitement.

“Nothing would give me more pleasure than to rein with you” Lawson said formal.

He turned around and opened the barn door a little.

“Close your eyes” He said playfully.

“Really?” I replied.

“Really” He said sternly.

I shut my eyes and heard the barn door open further. I could hear him shuffling around and felt him come up behind me and place his hands over my eyes. His breath was warm against my ear and a tiny shiver ran down my body. He gentally pushed me forward, I did as I was showen and walked into the barn.

“Ok, there are steps in 3, 2, 1 step” He instructed with a laugh as he almost made us both topple over.

“Hey watch it” I giggled.

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