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Chapter 1

It was getting late, and Changbin had already said goodbye to his supervisor, who had left him to close up. He had decided he would do it around eleven, when most people would be asleep. Just because, before he became an employee he used to use this café as a safe haven on the nights he couldn't sleep. That was probably why he and the manager had gotten so close, seeing as he had no friends at school, he spent most his time studying and working in the small corner shop. It was almost like his second home. Although at the moment he couldn't wait to get back to his apartment and sink into his bed.

Changbin glanced at the analogue clock on the wall beside him, it was a quarter to, and damn, those fifteen minutes could not have gone any slower. Each tick he heard was like a nail being hammered into his head and when it was finally time to close, he heard the bell to the shop ring. Quietly groaning he turned around to greet whoever could possibly be coming in at this time and froze. 

Frick frick frick frick frick friiiiiiiiick~

Stepping into the light of the café was a tall, blond haired male. Changbin couldn't quite see what his face looked like, and it seemed to take forever for him to make his way over to the counter. Not once looking up from his shoes. He stopped in front of Changbin and the older, faking a smile and fixing his voice to a more friendly tone greeted the newly arrived.

"Hi there, what can I get you?"

"Black coffee" he mumbled turning his head to the side to the see the clock on their wall. The shorter of the two could visibly see the blonds eye widen and his body stiffen, meaning the stupid kid had been walking the streets, at night. On a Sunday. Oblivious to the time. Changbin frowned and internally sighed. "Look- Changbin gestured to the boy-


"Look, Felix, I was about to close up so once I get you your coffee, just pay and then you don't have to stick around for long. Its a school night anyway, why would your parents let you go out at this time?" 

Felix eyed the smaller and squinted at him. "Alright fine~" he said. But Changbin caught onto to small mumble he added afterwards. "What did you just say?" he asked. His tone of voice dropped back to its natural state, not bothering to keep the facade any longer. In this moment Changbin had, had enough. It was a long day, no doubt he would stay up the rest of the night doing homework and this kid had the audacity to call him a 'Stuck up, old man'. Further more, it was a fucking school-

"Look, can you just get me the coffee? How much is it?"

Changbin jumped a bit in surprise. This whole time, Felix had been talking to him in a quite voice, and now suddenly Changbin actually heard what it sounded like, and he was actually kinda turned-NO-no Changbin shook his. The boys deep voice had startled him and that was it. 

He glared at Felix, turned around and went to the back, not bothering to answer his question about the price. And not bothering to tell the annoying twat that he was getting his coffee.

Five minutes later and Changbin had cooled down and brought the coffee out to the blond, who had decided to wait in the corner booth. Away from all the lights. Changbin had almost thought he'd gone when he had come out from behind the counter, but after a second or two he saw the silhouette of a person and hoped to god it wasn't a murderer. He made it over to the booth Felix showing no sign of interest as he continued to look out the blackened window. Changbins previous anger resurface and he, not so gently, put the cup of seaming liquid down on the table.

"That will be $15"

Without a word, Felix stood up, black coffee in one hand, a $20 note in the other and walked over to the cashier. He placed the money on the counter, muttered a quick "keep the change" and walked out of the shop. Changbin was quick to lock the door behind him to keep from anyone else entering. He looked at the clock again. 12. He groaned in frustration. He put the money in the counter, wiped the tables as quickly as possible, turned the lights off, and finally, finally locked the door behind him.



Hi Kits, this was my first chapter I hope you liked it. <3

I will do my best to update but mY uPdAtE ScHeDuAlE Is LoOpY, so I have no idea when I will next update, but stay tuned! Yeet 

Also to all the STAYs, I don't know if this will catch on but just like Woojin is an angel, Felix literally is a Fairy. No joke. JUST LOOK


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