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Chapter 2

Changbin wasn't ready for the next day. In fact, he was so not ready that he woke up at 10am. He was an hour fucking late to school. Honestly, he blames it on the night shift he had to work, but as if that wasn't bad enough, the Universe just had  to go and make the new transfer student, non other than Felix. Although Changbin had be spared from having the younger in any of his classes, it didn't make it any less awkward when they passed each other in the halls.

Halfway through the day, Changbin got a text from his 'boss' asking him to take the night shift again. Sighing the grumpy boy answered with a short 'ok''. Shortly after he had replied to the text the teacher had dismissed the class and Changbin took his time from leaving the room and making his way through the hallways and towards his friends that were already sitting in the large cafeteria.

"Ay, Changbin, finally, get yo ass over here, Minnie-hoe - he jabbed his thumb towards Minho, who vaguely looked pissed at the nickname, before continuing - has a plan to meet at that new carnival that just came into town"

Changbin didn't really care,

"Yeah sure, whatever"

"Thats the spirit" Woojin said, he was the oldest, in every sense of the word. Others his age, were always out parting while the quiet boy stayed home, responsibly, and did homework. Changbin remember this one time Woojin was invited to the Shot-House, which was the best, biggest and loudest party at the end of the year to celebrate passing their finals. It was explicit and only those on the list were able to go. Woojin had denied the offer, mostly because he had to study for the next year (wtf Woojin wHY) but it was also because Chan, Minho and himself weren't invited. To the dismay of the others, who had wanted Woojin to go and recap what had happened to him during that party. Changbin really wanted to get on that list. The whole university did, but you had to do something during the year, something that would get you noticed by the guy running the whole thing. Which just had to be one of the populars, Mark Lee. Last year, Woojin only got in because he was top of all his classes and passed all his finals, 100% on every one. Changbin still, to this day, had no idea how he did that. 

Changbin sat down with a huff. He plonked his bag down next to him and zoned out for a few minuets, only realising he did when Minho started waving his hand in front of his face. Slapping it away he glared at the younger.

"What did I do? You were staring at that blond on the other side of the room."

His excuse prompted Changbin to look back at where he was supposedly looking, before he quickly looked away again. There, sitting and chatting with four others, was the annoying blond. Changbin looked away and said with a harsh whisper,

"Why didn't you tell me you dipshit"

Minho looked taken aback.

"Why do you bitches keep insulting me with names" he says with exasperation, looking between Chan and Changbin. Chan was too ingrossed in a conversation with Woojin to notice and Changbin, well he wasn't listening anymore. He was stuck looking at the brat across the room. And for some reason, his eyes wouldn't budge from the younger's face, he wanted to look at it all day and he kept getting a warm feeling in his stomach. Changbin shook his head furiously. No, NO, I do not find that son of a bitch attractive at all. I'm straight, I am so so so so straight.


Yeehaw peoples. Im back with the second chapter...I'm cringing so hard because my friend said she would read this and I don't want her to rip. Also my RAP portfolio is two weeks over due and I started writing this while I was supposed to be doing my RAP, double rip.

Also Imma just say, rap as in religion and philosophy not the thing Changbin does. I would be crap at that. Oh yeah, (I have so much to say wtf) while writing this I completely forgot a couple of them so I have to write out their names and I FREAKING FORGOT MY BIAS. MY FAV MEMBER (ALL OF THEM ARE BUT-) SO IM SO DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF! let me die here.


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I'm sorry nothing happened in this chapter but next chapter will be intriguing.

Okay bye!

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