ScotEng {Scotland X England}

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Human names-
Scotland: Allistor
England: Arthur

Scenario one; (vampire AU)
Scotland was a vampire, but he never said it or showed it. He acts human, pretends he is human, but the only thing that shows he isn't is his unnaturally sharp canines and two marks on his shoulder. He can eat like a human, but he craves the taste of blood. Not even that, he wanted to taste a certain someone's blood. This someone? England. Scotland thought England didn't see him drink the blood bag, but England did. He screamed, alerting Scotland and causing him to pounce on him. What does England do, trapped under Scotland? Or, what does Scotland do if his secret gets out?

Scenario two; England had to go out for months at a time for meeting and didn't have enough time to visit his family. Scotland, Ireland, and Wales acted like they didn't mind, but iflt effected Scotland the most. The cried himself to sleep, held a stuffed animal England gave to him close, and never had a chance to talk to England since he always said he was 'too tired' and 'busy with work'. He caught the other two chatting with England countless times and began to feel left out. 8 months later, England came home to finally relax with his brothers, but didn't see Scotland. Does he go check on him? Or stay downstairs and waits?

Scenario three; Make it up!

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