Chapter 2 - Theres Others Alive?!

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Knock. Knock. I'm awoken by the sound of knocking. My hand darts to my gun, and my body shoots itself upright. Whilst I make steady steps towards the entrance of the shelter, the knocking continues. I get to the door and then it stops. Just silence. "Who's there?" I say as one of my eyes peering through a crack of the door. "Agent 27, sent to find any survivors of the nuclear atomic war by the government" he said a kind of robotic voice, as if he's said it so many times and he's sick of saying it. But there I see a figure of a rather muscular body, in a black suit and shades on. I seemed really sceptical but you can't find a fresh tailored suit in such good condition as well as that, plus he has a freshly painted limousine behind him which is even rarer. "Why should I believe you?" I spat out, trying to make myself seem intimidating. "Well, I'm sure you can see my newly tailored suit which is close to impossible to be getting round about now plus the freshly painted limousine behind me, again close to impossible to get any sort of car still in working shape. I'm also unarmed and have only been sent to bring back survivors who have not been contaminated with the disease. The action to believe me is totally opinionated and is not forced to come back to the bunkers with me, so it is optional," he said in a formal manner a bit more human like now as I'm sure he's had to say that less. "Hang on right there," I say as I move backwards from the door.

I get my bag and stuff: a gun, some ammunition and some other stuff I found around the shelter to take with me. It wasn't very long as it's a very confined space and only one story. I arrive back at the door and slowly open it. There was the figure sitting on the bonnet of the car. "Right, lets go to these bunkers," I exclaimed. I opened the back door and got in and placed my bag on the seat next to me.

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