Phantom of the night

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The next day

I felt a strange drive for blood and realised I was in my nightshirt and not just my lace underwear, I also noticed on the bed cabinet was my spell book, I never used it in case I did something wrong and wrecked the place but onto top lay a note reading 'Maybe Magnus could teach you something, I know how much you feel you need this Angel - Raphael' I smiled at the thought of his effort bringing it to me, I got up and decided to see if Magnus had any blood just lying around, I found him sorting bottles at his 'wizarding station' "Hey Magnus, got any blood?" He glanced up at me and smiled "Your a warlock aren't you?" I tilted my head "not exactly" he narrowed his eyes at me "then what are you biscuit?" I smiled at the new nickname "I'm a tribrid I guess" he looked so interested "downworlder?" I sighed "partly. My dad was a warlock from Mississippi, mom was a hybrid, vampire and werewolf, leaving me the mess of a creature" I sat down on the sofa "I was raised in Valencia by an old woman who I figured out was a warlock, I have a mundane sister here"

We were sat opposite each other contemplating "what happened last night with the shadow hunters?" He gave me that look that make me feel like it didn't go well "they wanted a girl's memories. They're coming here today" my jaw dropped "is it best I leave? I could g-" "take a breath biscuit, they found out about you, they need to know that if they want me, they need to be comfortable with you" I took a breath "I'm just hoping I don't end up more dead then I already am" he gave me a cup of blood "I was actually hoping you'd help me" I clenched my teeth together out of stress "that warlock in Spain taught me nothing, neither did my dad. All I know is a summoning spell and how to show my warlock mark" he gave me very 'isn't it obvious' eyes "we're summoning a demon, biscuit that's all you need to know"

An hour later

"C'mon! Just a little more

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"C'mon! Just a little more...damn it" the whole plan of practice magic before they arrived wasn't going well "As much as your mark terrorises my dreams, maybe spend more time in that form?" I tried again without my mark, I'd learned a way to hide it well "you haven't accepted it have you?" I brushed my hair back "accepted what?" He stood from his chair and grabbed my hands "my magic works because I've accepted my eyes as part of me as much as I dislike them, I hide them but I've accepted them. You haven't accepted that side of you have you?" I shook my head "when I was a kid, nothing would scare me more than seeing that side of me in the mirror, I'd get nightmares for months and I was constantly scared it would frighten Cas, she was so innocent yet annoying but I didn't want to scar her for life remembering her adopted sister as this phantom that looked like it had killed someone"

His eyes filled with sorrow "you couldn't confront your demons because you didn't want to give them to Cassandra?" I nodded and closed my eyes showing my mark "try again" he stepped out the way as I tried a spell and it actually worked this time "See? Acceptance works just as well as practice" I smiled as he went back to his book and I went back to practicing, then had more blood then practiced a new spell and the one we needed to perform. Soon enough there was a knock at the door, I leaned against my bedroom door "I'll keep my distance" by now, I'd hid my mark and was human again, or as human as I could get. I watched Magnus let in four people dressed in black, with weapons. I eyed them as they talked for a while, then one noticed me "who's she?"

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