Loreal & Maid Nihon

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PFFFFTTTT, Yuzuki sent me this one day, and I remember almost falling off of my couch. I was laughing non-stop, my parents were so confused on why I was laughing so hard. I also set this as my wallpaper because it is a true work of art.

 I also set this as my wallpaper because it is a true work of art

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Y'know what? I'ma caption these. I'm just feeling creative, so why not.

Asami ran into her classroom, being terrifyingly late. "iI-M soRRY mA'AM!!!" She screeched, bowing and dropping her manga on the floor.

(There's One)

Miku huffed as she waited for the handsome teenage guy to come out of the changing booth. "Come on Nihon!" She huffed impatiently. "Get out here already!"

The male sighed in defeat. "F-Fine..." he slowly opened the curtain to reveal himself in a maid outfit.

The pink haired girl's drink squirted our of her nose. She fell onto the floor, dying of laughter. "This is The funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!!!" Tears formed in her eyes, pulling out her phone and taking a picture. "I have to send this to Tia!!!"

"W-WHAT?!" Nihon shivered. "DON'T SEND HER THAT!!!" He hides his face, embarrassed.

(Oof, that one was fun to write 😂)

As Tia was on her way to English class, Nihon approaches the girl from behind stealthily. He needed to time this perfectly, or she would catch him.

That's exactly the opposite of what he needed; for Tia to think that he's a weirdo.

'C'mon Nihon... wait for the perfect time...' He waited, still walking behind the brunette. 'In 3... 2... 1... Now!' He flipped her hair, taking in its vanilla-like scent.

Tia was confused. "Is this a L'Oréal hair commercial or something?" She turned around to face the boy.

Nihon bit his lip, trying to form his words. "U-Umm... I'm sorry...! If it makes anything better, your hair smells nice..!"

The brunette turned a shade of red, looking away to hide it. "T-thanks..!"

Alrighty,,, well,,, until next time, this is Lindsay, signing out ٩( ᐛ )و

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