Chapter 13| Over

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Killian's POV:
As soon as she admitted to loving Regina I didn't know what to say. I knew she did but I'd never have thought she would admit it. I hated the fact that she had this  with someone other than me and it made me realise I was just a bit on the side in some sense.
"I don't mean I want to be with her kind of love but I will never stop loving her, she was my first love and that's something special. You have to understand what me and Regina went through to be together, my whole life changed. But then you came along and I ended everything with her to be with you because you are my one and only. I want to say I would stop being friends with her for you but I can't. I can promise you it will never happen again. But I won't end the friendship we have." Emma cried.

"If she had loved you the same then why would she cheat on you in the first place. I could ask the same question to you. Why would you cheat on me? It's not like we don't have sex because we actually have a lot of it. I treat you out to dinner all the time. I buy you nice clothes and perfumes because your parents won't. I do so much for you and this is how you repay me!" I shouted moving away from Emma which made her cry even more.

Third Person POV:
Emma looked to the floor and frowned, he fingers coming up to her cheek to wipe away the salty tears that trickled down her cheeks. Killian made it clear that he wasn't going to ever forgive her. He elusive ever get over this and that hurt him and Emma but the correct thing to do was end it. So he did.
"I want to be with you Emma cheated on me and that's something I can never get over. From now one you are my student and I am your teacher and that is it. We were kidding ourselves into thinking we'd work." He murmured and teared up. Emma gave him the same sort of look he was making. Heartbroken.

"Please. Killian. Don't. Make. Me. Do. This." Emma struggled to get the words out through her snivels. He looked away as he composed himself again and became the alpha male again. He leaned down to Emma and kissed his forehead but grabbed her chin while he was at it. She never knew he had this sort of side to him, she didn't like it. It reminded her of all the times her mother grabbed her chin like this. As more tears poured out of her eyes and trickled down her cheeks, fear was seen in her eyes. Once Killian saw it he let go as he knew it was giving her PTSD.
"I'm not going to end my friendship with Regina, either you man up and move past it or you let me go because I am tired of you being so stupid about it." Emma scolded through the tears. Of course she didn't want him to leave but she didn't want to end her friendship all because he asked her to. She knows she shouldn't have slept with Regina, she knew that was wrong. But Killian didn't understand that Emma was still in love with her in some kind of way that made it inconceivable to let her go.
"Emma...I really wish I could let this go but I can't." He admitted and the tears came flooding back to Emma. She just looked at him for a brief moment before getting up and leaving. As she got to the door she turned around and gave a weak smile that was broken. Her eyes full of damage and her chin jutting slightly.
"Goodbye Mr Jones." Then she walked out the door. Killian took a deep breath and as she went out the door he whispered.
"Bye Emma."

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