Dare 52

366 8 5

-I put on a black mask and black suit and I grab a saw and go outside acting like a killer.-

Shadow: -Walks and then bumps into me.- HEY WATCH WERE YOU GOIN-

-Growls and lifts up the knife and says in a deep manly voice- Don't mess with me or you'll face a terrible fate! -Punches him and runs off-

Shadow: -Knocked out-

(Downtown Station Square)

-Sees, Tails, Amy and Cream- HEY YOU THREE! -Holds up the knife-

Tails: -Gulps and gets in front of the girls- If you want to kill them you'll have to go through me first!

Amy: SONIC!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!! -Screams for help.-

-Growls and then swings the axe and cuts Amy's arm and Cream's neck.- SHUT UP!

Tails: -Gulps and backs away from me and the girls, putting his hands up in defence- Please spare my life! I didn't mean to cause you any stress Mr! Please! Don't hurt me!

-Growls and yells at Tails in a deep manly voice- Its over fox boy! And now, it's time for you to die! -Knocks him out with the back of the axe and cuts his arm.- I would never murder him...except for.....HAHA!


Silver: -Looks at me and growls, using powers and makes me slam into the building wall.-

-Screams in pain and tries to get up but then falls back due to Silver stepping on my back.-

Silver: NOW TO UNMASK THIS SICKO! -Growls and uses his powers and takes off my mask and gasps.-

-I fainted due to blood loss and exhaustion.-

Shadow: S-Sonic?! But why?

Silver: My guess is that it was a dare. -Sighs and holds me in his arms- Shadow bring us to the hospital! Now!

Shadow: Okay! Okay! -Sighs and takes out his Chaos Emerald and brings us to the Hospital.- There.


Silver: Is he gonna be okay Doc?

Doctor: Yes. He just has some minor brain damage, so he needs a lot of rest and no more extreme daring, playing and eating.

Silver: Okay Doc. But how long will this last?

Doctor: Two Weeks.

Silver: Okay. Thanks!

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