Chapter 3

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(Janet's P.O.V)

I left McDonald's at about 8 O'clock. I don't even know why thought he would come around that time. His mom doesn't allow him to do anything really. Why? No one knows,  not even Shawn.

When I got home, my dad started yelling at me.

"Where the he'll were you?" My dad asked right when he saw me.

"I was at after school detention, then I went to McDonald's to eat." I lied to him. If he found out I was waiting for a boy get would kill me.

"AND DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION?!" He asked yelling.

"Did you give me permission to go to detention? No you did not. And it wasn't really up to you." I said talking back.

"Did I give you permission to stay out till 9?" He said fixing what he asked earlier.

"No, cause detention ends at 6 O'clock,  and the walk to McDonald's is one hour, and I ate, then the waking back is two ours." I said holding my hands arm out.

"Don't talk back to me!" He yelled getting closer to me.

"I was just answering your question.. " I said.

"And you still want to talk back?!" He took his belt out and started coming toward me. He whooped me a couple times. I try holding my tears in as good as I can.

After he was done, I ran up to my room and threw myself on my bed. I let out all my tears. I lifted up my pillow and grabbed the razors that were down there.

I wiped my tears then pulled up my leggings. I cut my thigh about 6 times, then put the razor back down under neath my pillow. I took my phone out and turned it on. I got onto Facebook. not really doing anything But liking random things. I was still crying. At 9:14, I got a message from Shawn.

Hey. I'm sooooooooooo sorry I forgot about meeting you at McDonalds. I got invited to a party, and I forgot alllll about you.

I'm so sorry. Forgive me? 

I read the message and just put my phone down. And just thought to myself..

Shaw  would forget all about me, just to go to some party?.

I feel like such a loser. I've always been here for him, and he can't even be were for me?

(Shawn's P.O.V)

(Next Morning)

I woke up at about 6:47 am.

I took a shower and got changed.

I did the whole morning routine.

I felt like Janet was going to ignore me all day today.

I'm stressing so badly right now. I might loose my best friend.

I think I'll try talking to her. I'll never know if I never try.

Since me and Janet have 1st period together today.I'll just ignore her and actually like Nothing happened. But then at lunch, I'll. bring it up.

I walked to school without Taylor and got to school at about 7:15.

I went to first period and just waited.

(20 minuted later)

The bell rang and Janet was the first one to come in. She looked at me then looked right away when we made eye contact.

She went to her usual seat in the back of the room and just sat there,  staring at the bored, waiting for the usual instructions, (get with a partner and take your science notebook out)

She usually would look at me and wave her hand telling me to come over to her.

"Alright students, today, we are going to be doing something new. Okay, so your going to get with a partner and I'll tell you what I have in mind." Mrs. Carnell said.

I watched everyone get up. I looked back at Janet who who looking down at her desk. I know that look, she wants someone to go over to her, But at the same time she doesn't.

She looked up at me with her sad eyes she always has unless were together.

I felt so bad. I know she wants me to go up to her, But then she's thinking she doesn't. She's mad, But she feels bad.

She thinks it's her fault. The only reason I know this is Because, she's told me these feelings before, But about other people.

I looked back at her again and when our eyes made contact, I looked away. A few minutes later, Madison walked into the class, she went up to the teacher and started talking To Her. When she walked in, I got the biggest butterflies. I don't even know.

She looked over at me when she was done talking to the teacher,  she walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"Hey babe." Madison said kissing my cheek.

"Uh, Hey." I said. I looked back at Janet, who was now looking at me and Madison. She looked down again and started writing something. When she's sad she writes her feelings down on a paper and then rips it up.

But I don't really know....she could be doing her starter for class.

She could be doing her homework from another class. I don't know.

"Alright class, so, were going to be doing a science project. On Wednesday,  bring a cereal box,  we are going to decorate. You have to put the ingredients to Photosynthesis.  You'll also have to put a game on the back of the box. But it has to do with photosynthesis. Today, you and your partner will plan your box on a piece of paper. So get your partner if you haven't done it yet, and begin." Mrs. Carnell said to the class.

"Alright, so what are we gonna do science genius?" Madison asked putting her hand on my thigh.

"Um,  I was thinking I could just work on it at home, and I'll give the credit to you." I said looking down at her hand on my thigh.

"Awww that's so Sweet. Thanks babe." She said kissing my cheek.

I blushed and opened my binder writing down all the things I needed for the project.

"Well tell me when the project is done okay?" Madison said. She got up and walked away. She went and sat with a group of girls who weren't planning there project. I kept looking back at Janet, then I would look over at Madison. Then down at my paper.  I hope Janet does forgive me though.

(Janet's P.O.V)

I was Sitting there, planning my project, But then Madison Beer came in. Right when I heard Her voice, my head shot up. I do not like her at all. She literally gets with every single boy. And after she's done using them, she leaves them broken hearted.

I was watching her the whole time. When she was done talking to the teacher, Madison  looked over at Shawn then walked toward him.

Oh No, she's going to do it to Shawn now?! I know Shawn likes Madison. I can tell just by the way he looks at her.

She sat down next to him. Then she put her hand on his thigh. This can't be happening. She can't do this to me. NO. I don't want my best friend getting hurt. I know I'm mad at Shawn.  But this can't happen to him. After a few minutes, she kissed his cheek then got up and walked away. When I seen that, my heart felt like it sunk.  She's obviously using him for the science project. My heart, it's like it's wither frozen, or it disappeared.

Is this jealousy? Or am I just afraid to have my best friend broken? I don't know. Maybe it's a little bit of both. Or maybe it is both.

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