Chapter 11

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I grabbed my backpack off the hook and set it on the bed. I was being careful to be quiet as I went over to the wardrobe and grabbed my cloths out of the drawers. I am moving as fast as I can. My heart racing knowing the events to come. The questions still played in my head as I worked. I placed everything on the bed and began to pack them into my backpack. I was about to zip it up when there was a small tap on my door. My heart seemed to stop, who was it?

I quickly tiptoed over to the door and opened it just enough to look though. Nathan stood there, his smile stretching from ear to ear. He wore a backpack on his back and had another in hand. He was clothed in black jeans, a black tank top, a black belt with a silver clasp, and a pair of black leather boots completed his rebellious look. With only a tank top on you could see his toned figure.

He opened the door more and slipped into the room closing the door behind him.

What are you doing here? I franticly whispered before I could stop myself.

I cant let you go alone. He whispered as he turned towards me. His face was brave and


You cant come! You will get in trouble! I will get in trouble! I whispered as I shook my hands at him.

I dont care. I have to leave this place. The only time I have ever left this house was when I left you the letter and waited for you. I have never had freedom. Please, let me come with you. Nathan was begging, he looked desperate. The thought of what he had said to Wes flooded back to me.

Before I could stop myself I started bursting words. You were stalking me for years. How do you think I feel about that?

Oh you heard that huh? His face flushed and he ran his hand through his hair. If it makes you feel better. It was only the past six months, and I watched you because I wanted to see how Authors lived before all the chaos happened. I only ever saw you in the hair shop anyway, not even in your own house. I know it sounds bad, but I liked watching you. You seem really nice.

This time it was my turn to blush. Fine! You can come. But if I get caught, you are in for it! He raised his hands in a surrendering pose. I zipped up my backpack and went to grab my sweat shirt, still in the drawer when Nathan grabbed my backpack. He grabbed my back pack and tossed it to the side.

What are you doing? I scrambled back over to him. He then placed the backpack he had in his hand on the bed.

I told you I would make you some cloths, so I did. I made them after dinner when I was banished to my room. He unzipped it and showed me the cloths. They looked like the cloths that he was wearing but more feminine. I went over to the desk and grabbed my notebook. I handed it to Nathan and he went to put it into the backpack when he stopped. He held it in his hands. He stroked the cover as if he could feel the stories it held inside. Like he wanted to pull them out.

He sighed as he placed it into the bag and zipped it up. He gave me a pile of folded cloths. Here, put these on. I will wait for you here. I already packed food in my bag. There is enough for the both of us. He grabbed his bag and sat in the white chair at the desk.

The cloths still sat in my hands. They were soft, like they had been freshly washed. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I set the clothes on the counter and began to dress. The cloths were a pair of black jeans, and a black tank top. A black and gray flannel fit me perfectly. I secured a gray beanie on my head with some bobby pins I found in the drawer. I put on a pair of tall back leather boots and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a classic rebel from one of my favorite books. I nodded at myself and smiled with joy. I walked back out into my bedroom and saw Nathan was still waiting for me like he said he was.

I swung my backpack on and my heart was beating quickly. Nathan was coming with me. Why did I care so much? I just met him. He got up and met me at the bedroom door. He opened it for me and I slid out turning off the light as I did. I could hear Nathan closing the door and coming up behind me.

I slowly walked down the stairs. I stood in front of the door. I slowly reached out to the door handle. I pulled my hand back before it touched the handle. I turned around to face Nathan and the house. I didnt want to leave even though I did want to. I was given safety, and now I was running away from it.

I sighed. I have to do this. I need to save my Mom. I turned back towards the door. I took a deep breath and quickly opened the door and stepped out into the cold air; closing the door behind me.

The vast open desert spread out before me in the barley existent morning light. Nathan followed and closed the door. I gazed up into his eyes; they felt warm and made me feel fearless, brave.

Shall we go captain? Nathans voice had a hint of laughter. He waved his hand towards the east, towards town.

I slowly turned my head towards the direction of his motion. Two days, hold on Mom. Im

coming, just two days. I began to move forward, forward towards my Mom.

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