Chapter 21

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I woke slowly again to feel a cool dampness agented my back, a spiky feeling on my left side and a soft pillow under my head. I groaned as the pain from my right leg began to come back. I kept my eyes closed even though I wanted to open them for fear of what I might see. I heard a shuffling and a rattle of chains as a warm hand rested on my cheek. My hands rested by my face.

Aisling. The soft voice cooed as the hand moved to the back of my neck. I could feel his warm breath on my face and knew he was close. I opened my eyes and saw his warm green stars shining at me. I wanted to drift back into sleep but his eyes grabbed ahold of every nerve I had and held me. I

opened my mouth to speak but no words came.

He smiled and rubbed my neck as he spoke softly. Do not speak. Someone wants to speak to you. He moved to the side. I blinked in surprise and couldnt believe what I was seeing was true. The woman stood in a rattle of chains and moved towards me kneeling down next to Nathan and brushing her soft hand over my forehead. She kissed my cheek and leaned away. My mother was next to me, her eyes and face smiling with pure joy.

Aisling, I missed you so much. She whispered as she stroked my head. All my pain was gone as I looked into the eyes of the most important person in my life. I began to cry as she kissed me once more. She grabbed my hand as she wiped my tears away.

I missed you so much. I squeezed her hand, forgetting everything.

I missed you too sweetheart. I was so scarred for you, I didnt know if you had even made it to Nathan and his Grandfather. I gave a small chuckle and sat up on the straw I was laying on. I laid on a wood board as big as a bed that was chained to the wall. I looked down at mom as she knelt on the ground.

You were worried for me? I was worried for you. I was worried I might get here too late, or not at all. I was worried they were torturing you and that I would never see you again. She sat next to me and I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes; it felt amazing to be in her arms once again.

I pulled away as I heard footsteps coming towards us. Nathan jumped up and went over to the door, which was a bunch of bars with a frame. Two people came up to the door. I recognized them as the same man and woman that were told to bring us here. The woman held mine and Nathans backpacks in her hand.

Good, shes awake. The woman said in a hushed voice.

She just woke up. Do you have everything? Nathan asked in a rushed tone. I could feel my eyebrows scrunching. How could he be talking with these two people who worked for the Book Thieves?

Yes, everything is in order and we are ready to leave. The man answered. Nathan continued to talk to the two people as a hand pulled my face back. I looked at my mom and she looked stressed.

Okay, this is really hard to explain but Sarah and Seth are my friends, they are here to help us. They have been my friends ever since we were kids. When your father was killed, they joined the Book Thieves to be our protection. If anything were to happen to me or you, they promised to help us escape. No one but me knows of their true reason for being in the Thieves. They are here to help us. We made a plan of escape while you were asleep. Nathan came over and handed Mom a key. She unlocked the shackles around her ankles and the one around the ankle of my left leg. I hadnt noticed it was there.

Nathan went next to me on my left side and put my arm around his neck. He slowly stood up pulling me with him. I stood on my left leg and looked at my right. There was bandaged around the top of my leg. About my hands length above my knee was where the pain was most severe. I tried to hold back cried of pain as he helped me walk a crossed the cell. The door was now open and Mom was outside. I was lowered into a chair with a set of wheels for legs. It was something I was given the idea of. They were used a long time ago but got put out of use and people forgot about them. I shared this with Mom a long time ago but kept it secret otherwise. I called it a rolling chair because I wasnt sure of its real name. I gave my mom a puzzled look and she laughed.

I knew you said it was made for people who couldnt walk well or had hurt legs, so I gave the blueprint you made to them so they could make you one. I kept the blueprint in my money box at the shop and told them where to find it. Mom smiled and gave a little chuckle. I could feel I was beaming with joy. Something I was given is a reality now. I placed my hands on the top of the two big wheels and

gave myself a push. I rolled smoothly a crossed the ground. Sarah placed my backpack on my left leg careful not to touch the left.

Quickly we dont have much time. Seth stepped forward and got in front of the group. Nathan grabbed the handles at the top of my chair. My mom came up next to me and Sarah took up the rear. Seth began to move us through the halls lined with cells of all sizes. We moved fast as we turned left then right weaving in and out of the halls. I could hear our footsteps and wondered if it would draw attention to us. We stopped suddenly and Sarah came to the front.

This is where I break off. She then went into a locked room and bid us good luck. Seth led us on and we continued. I could feel a knot growing in my stomach as we pressed on finally coming out of the cold damp halls. The room we entered was empty except for the dozen big Eliptanders screaming in fury. I gasped as they all looked free roaming and could eat us at any second. Seth appeared to have heard me and turned towards me. Dont worry, they know not to attack anyone who has a uniform like me or anyone with them. I noticed the Eliptanders where now quiet. They watched us pass as we ended at a big door. It opened from the middle as we reached it, a rush of hot dessert air came rushing in.

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