06 - From Dust til Dawn

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A/N: Smut inbound and

No, that aint a typo

06 - From Dust til Dawn

The mission was failed. Jungkook realized he couldn't stay over at Cupcakke's hotel room. Jungkook was already pushing his time over. He texted her the news but she took it rather well.

"I, too, like a challenge." Cupcakke smirked.

Jungkook returned to Korea, rejoining the group members, making up some story about his family being alright it was a false alarm. His handlers weren't amused with him running out on them. He awkwardly laughed it off. Suga watched him from the back of the group with a devious grin on his face.

Meanwhile, Cupcakke was finishing up her tour and clearing out her schedule to make a trip to Korea to play a game on Jungkook's turf.


Cupcakke's eyes played with Mr. Choi's eyes in the rearview mirror as he had picked her up, once again, from the air port. "It's always a pleasure." Choi was breaking his protocol of not talking while driving.

Cupcakke bit on her nail slightly, careful not to chip the paint though. "If I didn't have an appointment already I'd make a little extra time for you." She teased.

Mr. Choi chuckled. "It's quite alright. I know you now have obligations. I dare not interfere." He turned off the main streets of Seoul into an alley way and drove down it with some speed.

Cupcakke reached her hand to the door frame, bracing herself a little. It seem like Jungkook had picked out an even more discreet place from last time. More and more neon lights began to fade away into the night until it was just the cold radiance of street lamps lighting their way. Each one swooped over the car like a scanner.

Soon, the car came to a halt in front of a hotel. It looked like a 5-star hotel for elites. The face of the building looked like it was pure granite stone of dark grey, marbled with black. The front doors all glass. Mr. Choi grabbed the door handle opening it up for Cupcakke. She stepped outside the car with her red pumps crackling against the rocks in the pavement. She stood tall, giving Mr. Choi a head nod that she could take care of the rest. With a quick bow, he bid her farewell but not before asking, "When do you want me to come back for you?"

"In the morning, love." She replied while walking away.

Such confidence. Mr. Choi could only smile to himself as he took his place in the driver's seat and took off into the night.


Cupcakke placed her keycard into the door. The black bar above the handle flashed green. She pulled it down opening the door to a gust of fragrant smells. Rose essence, the smell of vanilla scented candles, and--she inhaled deeply--was that freshly applied cologne? The room was dim as warm light from around the corner illuminated the room.

"Jungkook...?" Cupcakke whispered as if she had just walked into something. "Jungkook?!..." She whisper-yelled. She peeked her head around the corner and there he was--

Laying on the bed in only a pair of red boxers. Rose petals were all over the white duvet of the hotel bedding as well as the floor. Vanilla scented candles had been lit in various places of the room. Jungkook wiggled a glass with a solid sphere of ice surrounded by a dark liquor. "It took you long enough." He joked.

Cupcakke bit her lip to hide her smile. "Is this all for me?"

"You know it." Jungkook replied jumping to his feet. "Where are my manners? What would you like to drink? Some champagne? Some Hennessey? I'm drinking some right now actually."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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