Chapter 4: The betrayed

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                     This is a follow up of "the fabricator" but now from the girlfriend's point of view


I woke up early in the morning, still having a little bit of a headache from the day before as I was partying and drinking from 8AM untill 5PM.  I see my boyfriends texts messages. He said he was helping someone moving and he would be done when I woke up.... clearly he wasn't yet 

then suddenly out of nowhere he asks for explicit pictures... something he has never asked for in that manner... was it someone else? I respond "who the fuck are you, he would never ask me for stuff like that" to wich he responds "ow.. your onto me" so it was someone else! but... something seemed fishy... the way he texted was the same as my boyfriend's... damnit if it wasn't for me seeing the difference I might have ectually send it... and what if it was someone else then? he would see things only my Boyfriend is allowed to see. 

I say "Fuck you! Give him back his phone"  and barely a second later he responds "i'm sorry darling its me now" ... yeah right... I want proof... a picture... He sends one... It was my boyfriend in the picture... but still... for all I know he just grabbed it out of the Gallery of my boyfriend... My boyfriend said he was sorry and that he layed his phone down for 5 minutes... Bullshit... how the hell could he get into his phone then? is he screwing with me? is he just doing this for laughs like the ones before him? 

He said he was sorry again... he didn't want to throw away the trust he gained in 2 months because his idiot friend was asking for those pics... uhuh.... and all the while I am getting texts from an old friend.... well I can't really call him a "friend" ... He suddenly said he loved me and that he needed me in his life.... I was already taken... and I didn't see him that way... wich I told him... It pissed the guy off and he got angry with me... to wich I had to explain why... But being the loyal girlfriend I am I told my boyfriend what was going down.. sending him Screenshots from the conversation I was having with this guy...  My boyfriend starts talking weird... saying things ive never heard him say like "I get why you got all these trust issues with guys... we are assholes... taking what we want without thinking how it would effect someone else..."  where the hell was this coming from?

He said he was sorry for everything thats happening around me... I was busy getting ready for school and with the other guy while my boyfriend wanted attention... and he felt sorry for that... 
I tried comforting him... saying that the Guy that just said he loved me was a dick to begin with... though I did meet him In real life last year... hes got bad anger issues and just seems to only talk to me when its convenient for him.... Me and my boyfriend kept talking for a while... as i stopped thinking about the little "incident" that happened this morning. Then finally when he came home from helping his friend move... he started talking about it again... trying to convince me it still was his friend that did that and not him... i kinda lost trust in him... and once I told him things escelated... I kinda knew he was lying.... but I didnt tell him yet... It kept pissing me off though that he tried to stick with his lie... i confronted him multiple times with stuff to debunk his lie... but he wouldnt stop.... I was done with it... I dont need to hear any more... so I told him what my plans were for the day... It was supposed to be a day for him and me... having fun playing games... and me showing something special to him... but fuck him... if he keeps being like this he can rot for all i care.... and once I said bye.... he broke down... he kept on messaging me saying he was sorry for everything... that he needed my love... that he was an asshole and kind of deserved this.... untill finally he budged... he explained everything to me that he was lying... the first fucking time he lied to me.... bastard... He was afraid I was going to leave him for this.... But I couldn't... yeah it hurt... but I kinda have lied to him a few times aswell... but only to keep him from being hurt... saying I would be busy when I needed some time alone...... after saying all this he finally was able to say bye... I said bye back and haven't said anything since... I am not gonna deal with this today... 

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