chapter one

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Hello and welcome to the

Christian Literature Society!

We are a group of Wattpaders dedicated to creating and sharing Christian works of fiction and non-fiction. We are building a community of faith-focused individuals whose goal is to spread the love of Jesus all across the Wattpad stratosphere.

@ChristianLitSociety advertises Christian books, shares tips + tricks, hosts contests + prompt challenges, and is a place for Christian community here on Wattpad. Our goal is to provide genuine encouragement for its members whether you are a reader, writer or someone in between!

What do we do?

First and foremost our goal is to fellowship with other Christians via the world wide web. We have a Discord server dedicated to this group. In our Discord Server, we talk writing, reading, struggles, post prayer requests, and share ridiculous memes to brighten each day.

We also support one another by following each other on Wattpad and any social media platforms we have. Once again, this is not a requirement but highly suggested considering we are here to support and cheer each other on.

Participating in a contest? Share it! And we will be there to support you at every step!

Need help with story structure, plot development, or characters? Head on over to our writing channel in Discord and get some feedback from writers ranging from brand new to 20-year literary veterans!

But, this is a book club. Meaning our main goal is reading and reviewing Christian books provided by the writers in our group.

GuidebookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ