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(Not checked just wanted it to be out)

Where are you? I went in your room and your not here? Why?

I go for walks at night.

George it's 2 in the morning.


Please come back x

Are you alright?


Your not are you?


Wanna talk now while I walk back?

Yes George I do

Please just be quick home! X



I feel like we're married.

Oh...is that a bad thing?

Never! x

Are you nearly home?

Yes dear x

Okay x

Think you can manage for 5?

Erm, yeah

Are you sure?

Just be quick!

Okay okay!

5 minutes pass and George enters his home "Alex?!" He shouts so the young boy can hear him "Alex?" He says processing to walk up his stairs.

"I-I-in here" Alex says from George's bedroom, he enters his bedroom that he's slept alone in for so many years "Awe Alex" George says with a tilted head "snuggle me?" Alex says a bit shy "of course" He says taking of his coat.

He sees Alex is shivering "do you have clothes on?" George says now taking of his shoes.

"Well I have my boxes on, but that's only because I couldn't find my clothes" he says with a pouty face "oh yeah" George says chuckling as he gets out an over sized hoodie from his draw "here sweet, take this" George says handing it him with a wide smile "Thank you" Alex says shuffling under the covers to get the jumper on, he finally gets it on and sits looking at George. George gives him a few looks as he try's to get changed feeling Alex's eyes on him as he moves.

"I can't change if your going to stare at me love" George says laughing as he talks.

"OMG! I'm so sorry I didn't even know I was doing it!" He says hiding under the covers of George's freshly changed bed.

"No-" George says now getting some comfy clothes on, he puts them on and stands beside his bed "budge up" he says attempting to get in his bed but Alex taking up all the room.

"Omg I fucked up again I'm so sorry" he says getting out the other side, George now in bed and Alex stood out with only an over sized hoodie and boxes "get back in you goon, it's freezing" George says flipping the covers so Alex can get in. Alex climes in and sides beside George but not in contact.

"So tell me, what's the matter?" George says as he sits beside him, Alex pulls his knees up with his cold hands holding them tight against his chest, he says nothing, "Alex I know your not okay...and that's okay" he says with a smile "we all have bad mornings, bad afternoons, bad nights" he puts his hand underneath the cover to hold onto his knee "but it all gets better eventually you just need to give it all time" George says now rubbing his thumb on the boys knee trying to comfort him.

"I-i-lt was a nightmare" he says tearing up " it never goes away...it's always there" he says now sobbing, George moves closer to Alex putting his arm around the back of his neck pulling him into his chest.

"Alex please don't cry, you don't have to tell me if your not ready. I'm here when you want to talk always but for now just try to sleep....okay?" George says with his arms around Alex's whole body keep him warm.

"G-g-g-George can I stay here?...with you?" Alex says with a shaky voice.

"Of course, I'm not gonna let you out of my site" he says pulling him closer as Alex sobs some more.

"Thank you George" he says with a small smile.

They both fall asleep on the Thursday night, the rain falling hard and the wind blowing.

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