Chapter 1

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        Honey lets out a hiss of frustration and stalks away, bristling. Pandamania turns back to the circle of cats, eyes narrowed. “Anyone else have a smart idea?”

        A sleek gray she-cat  kneads the ground with her front paws. “I don’t know,” She says viciously, unsheathed claws glinting, “But if one of those scourges runs into me, I’ll shred it, no questions asked”

        The tom sitting next to her flicks his tail. “Spots, we all woulda laid down our lives to help Leaf if we’d been there. But I don’t think it’ll work to take them all on by brute force…” He trails off, and Spots glares at him with a murderous look in her eyes. “How dare you talk like that of your own sister!”

        Pandamania opens her mouth to interfere, but commotion breaks out as Spots and Claws continue to bicker, and a ginger tabby tom, Glint’s, whispers become too loud and Snowy leans over to nip his scruff, Patches howls in frustration

        “Meeting dismissed” Pandamania whispers, and stands up. Stepping lightly, she pads away from her chaotic peers until the light from the street-light shines on her dirty, knotted white pelt. Stopping, Pandamania narrows her eyes at the thunderpath, undaunted as monsters roll past.

        "Pandamania?" A friendly, yet guarded voice rings out from behind her. Pandamania turns her head, as two dark cats pad out from the opposite alley-way. As they step into the light, the dark grey tom who'd spoken moves froward to brush muzzles with Pandamania. "I'm afraid you've made yourself scarce, my friend!" He purrs lightly. "I've been around," Pandamania replies, with a glimmer in her misty-green eyes. "Maybe you just weren't looking in the right place, Mask!"

        "Ah, so that must be it." He says, stepping back to sit down. "We can't roam as freely anymore, anyways, now that those filthy pieces of fox-dung have moved in!" His companion, a night-black she-cat adds. Mask flicks his ears at her. "Pandamania, you've met Shadowcatcher, right?"

        "Yes," meows Pandamania in reply, trying to disguise the loathing in her voice, "But I don't believe we've had the pleasure of talking very much." Personally, Pandamania disliked Shadowcatcher.  The fluctuatious she-cat went where she pleased, and had a superior attitude about it all. Pandamania believed every cat should have their place. She was prone to like the exceptions, like Shadowcatcher.

        "Anyway, we've just been in the park" Mask mews, seeing the tension in both she-cat's eyes. "Oh, really?" Pandamania says dryly. "Yes!" Shadowcatcher nods, looking away. "I saw Splash. She's expecting Rumple's kits. Isn't that great?"

        Pandamania flicks her ears. More than great, she it as another thing for Spots to complain about. "Her mother will be overjoyed." she replies, muttering her answer. Mask rolls his eyes. "Spots needs to get over it. Everyone knows what happened to her kits was her own fault, kicking them out at three moons like that. The only reason Claws survived is because he's so brutal. He might as well have killed Leaf himself!" He meows. "True," Pandamania agrees. "But he didn't. The rogues did, and we're all going to join Leaf in the ground or become house-cats by the time they're done with us!" She adds.

        "I don't think so" Shadowcatcher meows lowly. Pandamania stands up abruptly. "Well, I best be going now!" She mews quickly, and stalks into the safety of the shadows.

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