Chapter 3

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        "Wow!" Rose scrambles up on the windowsill next to Sweet. Sweet had gotten there first- as the days came and went, Sweet had proved to be the fastest runner and most agile climber- yet Rose still remained the most enthusiastic and was always eager to explore. "The world's so big," Rose gasped, "Jada, when can we go outside and explore it?" She raises her voice, so Jada, eating from the food-bowl several fox-lenghts away, could hear.

        Jada sits up and twitches her whiskers. "Anyday now, Rosie! Now that you kits are 4 moons old, you ought to start learning about the world before you get your own nest and housefolk!" She purrs, running a paw over her ears. Sweet kneads the ground. She didn't like the idea of getting her own housefolk- too much to explore without Rose or Jada. Plus, the huge nest would seem empty. "Jada, do we have to get our own housefolk? I'd much rather stay here with you...." She mutters nervously.

        Jada pads over and gives Sweet a comforting lick. "It's wonderful, I promise. Actually, I think today would be a good day to learn!"

        Rose smiles, "Yay!" She mewls, and paws at the glass. "How do we get out?" She meows, confused when the window doesn't open. Jada laughs. "Well, you won't get out that way!" Sweet peeps, knowing her mother's answer. Rose bats Sweet's ear playfully. "Well, I suppose you know how we DO ge out then! And what's the point of the window if we can't get out it?"

        "I don't know, I ws just informing!" Sweet protests, and Jada mews, "You can leave that to me, Sweet! And we're going to go to the door- see that discolored flap? It swings in!" Jada looks giddy, and excited.

        "Cool! Me first!" Rose yelps, and leaps down, landing hard but springing up again, unfased. Sweet's sister pelts towards the door- and leaps right through the flap. She was gone!

        "Let me try!" Sweet breathes, and gets down slightly more carefully- equipping the use of the nearby sofa for a much softer landing. More cautiously, she pads over to the door and bats the flap with her paw. Sure enough, the flap swung, and warm air hit Sweet's face. It was so green! Rose was already in the midst of it, rolling around on the soft-looking grass she'd only seen out the window. Sweet jumps through, attempting unsuccessfully to avoid the flap as it swung back in. It grazed Sweet's ear, and she yelped.

        "Aww, don't be such a kit, Sweet! It's great out here, and Jada said we could, remember?" Rose pads up to her. "And besides, are you afraid of the grass?"

        Sweet looks down at her feet. She wasn't on the green yet, but on some hard cream surface. It felt like a twoleg floor. This is just like a room with no walls! "Of course I'm not!" Sweet mews defiantly. "I'm waiting for Jada!" From behind her, her mother's scent appears, and a soft muzzle nudges Sweet forward. "Are you ready now, Sweet?" Jada whispers, and Sweet nods, and steps forward. "Wow!" She breathes, and pads farther out.

        "I bet you can't catch me!" Rose meowed, and she pelts away at full speed, making a break towards the fence, and the camoflauging plants underneath it. Sweet looks at Jada, who nods, eyes sparkling.

        "I'm going to get you, Rose!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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