Chapter 6

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been lazy this past week. I've just been having a crappy week. I've decided to write chapter 6 because writing relieves my stress.. So here it is.. Chapter 6

As we were walking to panera, I've realized, we ate already

"Hey Matt, why are we going to panera since we just ate?" I said

"Oh I thought you were hungry!" Matt said

"I kinda lost my appetite" I said

"Then we could just go there to hangout" Matt said

"could we just go back to your place?" I asked

"Why my place?" Matt asked

"Because I don't wanna go back to mine" I said

"Why?" Matt asked

"I'm not explaining it" I said

"Do you not like it over there?" Matt asked

"I just said I'm not gonna explain it. Okay?" I said

"You could sleep over if you'd like" Matt said

I thought about it for a minute. Maybe I could sleep over. I just don't wanna go back to my sisters. Christina doesn't like me. She just sits there and gives me dirty looks. Lexi on the other hand takes care of me and loves me. Christina and I don't have a good relationship at all...

"Do you need any comfy clothes to sleep with since your sleeping over?" Matt asked

"I could sleep in a dress." I said

"I'm not letting you sleep in your pretty dress. Now, were going back to your house to get you comfy clothes. I'll go with you" Matt said

"You don't understand why I don't wanna go back, I could just sleep in this dress, it's not a problem to me" I said

"Well it's a problem to me. So. Were going to your house and getting you comfy clothes" Matt said

"Whatever." I said

We were walking to my house and it started to get really cold. I started to rub my arms to keep myself warm, then Matt looked at me

"Are you cold?" Matt asked

"Yes. Yes I am" I said

Matt took his sweatshirt off hand offered it to me, I decided since I started shivering, why not just take his sweater since his offering it. I grabbed his sweatshirt and put it on, it was nice and warm

"Thank you" I said

"Your welcome." Matt said

We got to my house and I unlocked my house with my key. I opend the door and Matt was about to walk in so I stopped him

"don't go in" I said

"Why?" Matt said

"It's not safe for you. Just stay out here while I go get my clothes" I said

"Alright. Be safe" Matt said

I walked in and the first thing I see is Christina standing there with her hands crossed and tapping her foot

"Where were you? And why are you so dressed up?" Christina asked

"I was at a party" I replied

"Oh really? With who?" Christina asked

"Not that you would care" I said

"Christina please leave her alone" Lexi said

"Do you know I was worried sick? Bridget I was so worried about you" Christina said

"Pfft oh really?" When has that ever occurred?" I asked




Christina came over to me and pushed me into the door and started hitting me. Lexi then tried to pull Christina back so that I wouldn't get hurt. I quickly ran upstairs, and started crying. I grabbed some clothes, and a tooth brush to bring to matts. I quickly ran downstairs


I ignored her and ran out the door

"Matt comon let's go" I said while running

"I heard shattered glass, is everything okay? Why are you crying?" Matt asked

I stopped running and sat on the side walk and cried

"Woah wait, please stop. Why are you crying?" Matt asked

"My sister is a bitch" I said

"I heard banging on the front door, I heard glass break and screaming. Is everything okay?" Matt asked

"I get taunted by my sister Christina." I said

"Why?" Matt asked

"I just don't know" I said

"I know that you and your other sister Lexi get along" Matt said

"how did you know that?" I asked

"Oh comon I know everything about you" Matt said

"Oh really? Did you know that I'm not allowed to talk to my parents?" I asked

"Actually. Yes I did, I just figured that out today" Matt said

"I knew that you didn't talk to them. But I didn't know that your not allowed to talk to them" Matt said

"How did you know?" I asked

"I just knew. That's all" Matt said

I started tearing again.

"I've missed them since I was 6. Considering I haven't seen them since I was 6 years old. Everytime I had the chance to say it. I would swallow it because I know Christina would get mad. And I'll be honest, I'm scared of Christina." I said

"Awww, I'm sorry Bridget, just please stop crying, she's not here now. Your safe with me" Matt said

I smiled at him.

"When did you get so good at making me happy!?" I asked while giggling

"Knowing you, it's something I picked up" Matt said

I got up from the sidewalk and pushed grass and dust off my dress. Matt got up and we took a shortcut to his neighborhood

We got to his house and we saw that no one was home. I guess they're all still at that party. We went into matts room and put all of our stuff down. I went Into matts bathroom and put my comfy clothes on and brushed my teeth. I walked into matts room and layed on his floor. He looked at me weird

"Your not gonna sleep on my bed?" Matt asked

"It's fine I'll sleep on the floor" I replyed

"No. Come sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the floor" Matt said

"Noooo I wanna sleep here.." I said

"Alright. Do you want a blanket at least?" Matt asked

"Christina doesn't let me sleep with blankets because she likes it when I freeze, I'm lucky I even get my bed. I'm used to the cold..." I said

"Why does she torture you so bad?" Matt asked

"I'm not explaining it because I don't know" I said

"Alright. If you need a blanket. It's on my dresser. Good night" Matt said

"I won't be needing it.. But thank you.. Good night" I said

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