Chapter 15

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*skips to end of school*

I walked over to Matt, packing up his stuff he looked at me and his smile went away

"Oh look it's you" Matt said

"Oh shut up" I said while chuckling

"You ready to go?" Matt Asked

"Yeah! Let's go!" I said

I walked out of the classroom with Matt following me

"We need to plan out prom" Matt said

"Relax relax, we will figure something out" I said

"But prom is in a week. We have to do something about this

"I'll talk to Lexi about this, you talk to your dad about this" I said

"Yeah but I'm not letting you go to your house" Matt said

"Okay! Then how am I gonna talk to her about this?" I asked

"Invite her over to my place" Matt said

"Alright!" I said

We got to matts front door and walked into his house. We put all of our stuff down and headed to his room. Matt shut his door and sat on his computer chair. I sat on his bed

"Call Lexi" Matt said

"Alright, no problem" I said

The phone rang about 2 times then I realized

"Wait Matt. Lexi can't tell Christina that she's coming here" I said

"Oh yeah crap I forgot." Matt said

"Uhh.. I'll tell her to say to Christina that she's gonna go to her best friend Brittany's house, Christina knows Brittany." I said

"Oh okay! Smart thinking" Matt said

Lexi picked up the phone

"Hello?" Lexi said

"Hey! It's Melody" I said

After I said my real name, Matt started to smile at me

"Oh my god! Melody!! I'm so happy to hear your voice! I miss you!" Lexi said

"Aww! I love you so much, I miss you too" I said while having a big smile on my face.

Matt started smiling too

"I have a quick question" I said

"Oh okay! What's up?" Lexi asked

"Okay so. Matt and I need to plan things out for prom, can you come over and help us out?" I asked Lexi

"Yeah sure!" Lexi said

"Thanks, tell Christina that your going to Brittany's" I said

"Alright! I'll see you in a little while!" Lexi said

"Love you!" I said

Lexi hung up

"You guys must have a close friendship don't you?" Matt said

"Yeah, we do" I said while smiling

The door bell rang. It was Lexi

"I'll answer the door. Come with me"I said

Matt followed me to the door. I opened it and saw Lexi standing there smiling

"BRIDGET!" Lexi screamed

"LEXI!" I screamed

I ran to her and jumped on her. She spun me around, we were hugging really tight, I got down and let go. Lexi started tearing

"I missed you so much" Lexi said while giving me a kiss on the cheek

Matt started smiling. And so was I

"I missed you too" I said

"Hey Lexi" Matt said

"Hey Matt!" Lexi said

"Come in!" Matt said

Lexi came in the house and into matts room

"Okay so, the first thing we need to do is figure out the outfits. We need to get you guys to match the color of the outfits" Lexi said

"Matt where's your laptop?" I asked

"Oh it's right here" Matt said

He grabbed His laptop and opened it. I went over to him and sat on his lap with my arms around him. He had one hand around my waist, to look like were in a relationship. and passed his computer to Lexi

"I know a great prom website" Lexi said

She typed in the search engine what the website was called. We saw all of these gorgeous prom dresses. We were scrolling through all of the dresses and I pointed to one dress, it was a beautiful silver dress that had gorgeous ruffles at the bottom, and it was strapless. I loved it

"Ooo this ones cute. I like it" I said

"I don't like it. Silver looks good on you. Except I just don't like the dress" Matt said

"Alright then we will find another" Lexi said

We scrolled through some more dresses and Matt pointed to one dress that was beige and alittle glittery. It was one of those dresses that's hard to describe. But it was cute

"I like this one" Matt said

"I don't look good in beige" I said

"Alright alright. I guess we could find another" Lexi said

"We scrolled through a few more dresses and I pointed to one dress that was a high low dress, it was a curvy dress, that was all red with a silver glittery strap down by the waist, and with a open back at the bottom. I loved it so much

"I love this one" I said pointing to the dress

"It's gorgeous" Lexi said

"Matt do you like it?" I asked

Matt inspected it for a minute

"Red looks amazing on you. So yes. I like it. It's cute I guess" Matt said

"I'll place an order on it. I'll pay for everything. Matt I'll even pay for you if you want" Lexi said

"Nahh it's okay. I'll pay for Bridget." Matt said

"No. She's my sister. I'll pay. Matt I'll even pay for you" Lexi said

"Alrighty, fine" Matt said

Lexi placed an order on my dress

"Okay, now we need to find something for Matt" Lexi said

"Okay!" Matt said

We started going through the suits and Matt pointed to one. It was pretty much like any other suit. It even had matching shoes

"I like it" Matt said

"Ehh. It's alright. I guess I like it" I said

Lexi placed an order on the suit

"I have red heels to go with my dress" I said

"Alright! Cool! Saving money!" Lexi said

"Okay so. On the same day, we will go to the hair salon and get your hair done. And we will pick up the dress and the suit. We will get everything done" Lexi said

"Thank you so much for helping us." I said

"Aw your welcome" Lexi said

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