Chapter 2 - Meeting You

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Days pass by after I had follow the crowd to airport to have a glance of him. I am suppose to go to the class with Xiao Mi today, but due to she is not feeling well she had taken a off day.

There is a short-cut and a longer road to our classroom and normally I will take the longer one due to lesser people will use it and I enjoy the scenery so much.

Out of a sudden I bump into someone and fall to the ground. I apologise to the person while trying to stand up and he hold out a hand to help me up while asking , am I fine.

Upon hearing that sound I immediately recognise the voice and look up immediately!

Me: *gasp* Qian... Qian..
Qian Xi: Shhh.
Me: Why are you here?
Qian Xi: *smile* Looking around, are you okay?
Me: Yes, I am fine. Hmm, is that alright if you give me an autograph? I am a big fan of you.
Qian Xi: Sure, do you have any notebook?

I take out my notebook and pass to him for him to sign. He return to me after signing it.

Me: *happy* Thanks so much, I will be supporting you!
Qian Xi: Thanks for supporting. Can I ask you a favour?
Me: Sure! What it is?
Qian Xi: Can I know how to go to the History department?
Me: Yeah, I am going there as well. Let me take you there, but you may need to cover yourself as I may bring trouble to you.
Qian Xi: *nod*

We walk and chat on the way to the History department. I never thought he can be so friendly to us fans. Upon reaching the department, I saw a familiar sight and my head start to pain...

Me: Er, Qian Xi the place that you wanted to go is ahead. You can go on first.
Qian Xi: You are not coming?
Me: I don't think I can go with you *pointing finger to front*
Qian Xi: I see, you are quite popular in here.
Me: It's a headache for me, you better get going. There is a-lot of your fan in our department. You will get surrounded by them.
Qian Xi: *nod* May I know your name?
Me: Huang Zhi Yang, faster go they are coming!

I push him out of the sight and walk over to the crowd. I proceed to settle the issue then continue to my class.

After 2 hours of the class I go back to the hostel with some food for Xiao Mi. While I pass by the guard house, the lady stop me.

Auntie Lee: Xiao Yang, there is a parcel for you.
Me: For me?
Auntie Lee: Yes, come and take it.
Me: Okay~

I bring the parcel up to the dorm and pass it together with the food to Xiao Mi.

Xiao Mi: Huh, what is this?
Me: How would I know, you are using my name again to buy stuff.
Xiao Mi: This is not mine, I did not purchase anything recently.
Me: Har? Then who had posted me this parcel?
Xiao Mi: You fans?
Me: Could it be?
Xiao Mi: Do not worry, let me open for you~

Xiao Mi open the parcel and she is dumbfounded by it!

Me: What it is?
Xiao Mi: Yi Yang Qian Xi...
Me: What?

I take the parcel and saw his picture. I take out whatever that is inside and found there is a new phone which is endorsed by him!

There is a note that is written by hand and the handwriting is so nice.

The notes read "Thanks for you help, here is a small gift to you"

In that instance I know who is the one who send me this.

Me: It must be him!
Xiao Mi: Who?
Me: Secret~

And with that Xiao Mi had been bothering me whole day to know who is the person I mention. Of course I keep it a secret and by the end of the day she give up.

Finally I got the time to have a look at my new phone and I realise there is a contact number inside that is being name Yang Yang.

Me: Could it be? But it shouldn't be right? Maybe I can give it a try?

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