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   As I stepped into the lobby of the North West tower of the Centre. I was met with a herd of golems going the opposite direction. As I neared the end of the crecent shaped lobby I entered a pod which took me up four stories to the floor just above the lobby which was the thralls quarters. Thats where I belonged. I was a messenger thrall. I worked for a man named Calix Bevlin who was a second responder of the centre. He was one of the most well known people in the wen.

While I entered the Thrall's quarters I was approached by two other Thralls and they asked if I was new. Which I wasn't. After everyday, some owners erased the memory of their Thralls to supposedly "have a fresh mind." Today my job was to pay a visit to Malion Harmew who was the half-king of the wen. My mission was simple. Very simple. It was to inform "his majesty" that Calix wanted to schedule a meeting. So after hearing this news from ShAkura, Calix's personal Thrall, I made my way back down to the lobby and out into the sunlight again. As I made my way down the curved sidewalk heading for the south road, I noticed that the sun was not as bright as it had been before, only thirty or so minutes before. Others on the street noticed this too and were talking nervously to eachother. As the sun in the wen never sets. After I looked up again I decided to stick to my "mail job" and keep going. As I turned the corner to head down the south street I could see the same old "kingdom" which was the tallest building in the wen. Thats where the half-king was. That was my mission. I continued walking down the south road I could feel and hear the cars whipping past me balancing on their one wheel. I passed a couple of shops where poor old down-and-outs were begging for business they would never get thanks to the major companies that ruled the wen. A couple or so more blocks down      I approached a man. At first I did not take much heed of him until he started to follow me down the street.

   As I continued to get followed another man in the same long leather trenchcoat and black tinted diamond shaped glasses jumped in front of me. Down a side street came a large two wheel slick black car. I tried to fight my way out of the hold of the men. They were men. Or so I thought.

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