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Amelia kept staring at her phone screen as she waited for Aiden to call or send her a text. He had a way of shooting her nerves straight to Hell since she first realized how big of a crush she had on him. She glanced around the living room nervously wondering just how he expected her to ditch Brittany, who was currently laid across the couch talking to her friend about getting a pedicure soon.

"Fine. If I get blue then you have to go red. It'll be weird if we match." She said. Brittany raised her foot from the floor and turned to Amelia with curious eyes.

"Amelia what shade of blue do you think I should go with?" She asked.

Amelia grimaced slightly. "I don't know. For you, maybe indigo. Might bring out your eyes and skin tone."

Brittany smiled big and looked at Amelia as if she were the smartest person on Earth.

"You see, I can always count on you!" She told her, her attention bouncing back to her conversation.

Amelia noticed a message notification popping up on her phone. She didn't even have to check to know it was Aiden but she looked anyway just to fulfill her curiosity.

Outside. Ditch the Barbie yet?

No. I don't know how too. I can't tell you're picking me up and I doubt she'll believe a friend is coming to pick me up. Kyle tells her everything.

Well, you're going to have to make her believe it. Be out in five.

Amelia yawned a little too loudly, stretching her arms behind her back awkwardly.

"Sleepy?" Brittany asked. Amelia nodded and moved closer to where she was sitting.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to my room and take a much needed nap. If Kyle comes home just tell him I'm sleep and not to bother me." She hurriedly told his girlfriend.

"Okay, are you sure everything's fine? You practically slept the day away and you want to go back," she started. Brittany gasped and covered her chest as if she was in terrible pain.

"Oh my God! You aren't depressed are you? Because I have this great therapist who does this thing that—"

"No, I'm not depressed. I just stayed up all night watching movies." Amelia interrupted.

"Wait, I thought Kyle said you couldn't come to the game because you were really busy studying." She told her

Amelia swallowed the lump sitting in her throat and quickly corrected herself.

"Yeah, I like to watch movies while Im studying. Keeps me occupied." She said. Brittany nodded and turned away which gave her the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. She grabbed her phone from the table and tipped toed her way towards the back door, gently prying it open. It would lock itself so she didn't have to make any more noise before she left to go to his car.

Of course, he wasn't parked in the driveway like the time before but waiting for her only a few houses down from her own. He'd move up closer once he realized she was out.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it?" Aiden mocked her as she got into the passengers seat.

She frowned nervously watching the front door of het house to see if Brittany would suddenly come outside.

"Relax, Amelia. I just sent her best friend a picture of my luscious abs that girl will be on the phone forever."

Amelia didn't know whether to thank him or be jealous that some cheerleader she didn't know had seen more of Aiden than she probably ever would. Still she understood that no matter what people like those two were basically programmed to find one another.

"Where are we going?" She asked as they stopped at a red light. He let go of his grip on the wheel and turned to her, the corners of his lips begging to lift into a smile.

"It's a surprise," he said.

She laughed politely. "Okay, then. Wow, I didn't peg you for someone to be into county music," Amelia said as she watched him mumble the words to Tennessee Whiskey.

He winked. "I'm into a little of everything."

She blushed and Aiden mentally congratulated himself. This may be a whole lot easier than he initially thought.

"You like this song too?" He asked her as she started to sing the words along with him. He noticed she didn't sound half bad, way better than he did that's for certain.

"I guess, I like a little bit of everything too."

He laughed and turned in to the nearest exit. It took a little while to get there so he didn't go visit as often these days. But when he found the time, he and Sammy would go and spend the day together.

"You know if you stare at someone too long you're face will get stuck like that." Aiden told her.

She looked away. "You know, if you assume everyone likes you all of the time you're attitude will get stuck like that."

Aiden grabbed his heart as if her words seriously hurt him. "Go on," he urged. "Why don't you break my heart some more."

"Oh, Aiden. Please, forgive me." Amelia pleaded putting on a show for his bruised man ego.

"Well...since you said please."

"Oh my goodness! I love this song!" Amelia exclaimed as Kiss Me by Sixpence came on. Aiden grinned in delight. This song was one of his favorites. He and Sammy would sing along to it, sounding and looking as ridiculous as possible.

"Kiss me! Underneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Lift open your hand ..."

"Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance. Silvermoon's sparkling. So kiss me!" He finished. Earning her undivided attention.

"Geez! That was terrible," she exclaimed. Clutching her stomach as she nearly fell over from laughter.

He gave her shoulder a gentle shove. "Take that back. I'm a beautiful singer."

She shook her head and just then a lightbulb went off over his head. Since they were alone, on the narrow road he swerved a few times and her eyes nearly rolled out of her head and onto the floor near her feet.

"Take it back, Amelia. Or I'm cutting both of our life supply out!" He said and she reached over and got ahold of his hand.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Now, please stop!" She screamed in fear.

"Alright," he sighed, giving in. His car found its way back the right lane and Amelia's heart found its way back to her chest.

"Your insane." She told him.

"We are a little mad here, darling."

"Alice in the Wonderland?"

"That cat is the wisest animal I've ever seen before."

"For once I actually agree with you on something."

Aiden let out a deep breath and popped his neck. She covered her ears in disgust.

"I hate that sound." She said gritting her teeth. She wandered how someone could do that without accidentally breaking their own neck.

"It feels so good though. Why don't you give it a go?" He asked her.

"You really are insane," she said slowly. "I'll just leave the disturbing bodily sounds to you."

He laughed a little. Since when did she get a sense of humor? He subconsciously asked himself.

"Hold on," he instructed. "I think I've got another one of those disgusting bodily sounds sounds I need to make."

She shook her head. "Don't you dare!"

He groaned in discomfort. His inner workings was disagreeing with Maya's homemade spinach dip. Aiden made a mental note to never eat anything she cooked again.

"I'm being serious. There's a gas station just up ahead. I'll pull in."

Amelia leaned back and smiled into the window. She couldn't believe all of the things that had happened to her since she first spoke to Aiden a few days ago but whatever she felt. She desperately wanted to feel it forever.

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