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Aiden Woods drank from his water bottle filled with a mix of water and vodka until it was half empty. The clock in the corner of the room seemed to be stuck on twelve, approximately five minutes before his first class of the day was finished. And his prison sentence was over. Any later he thought about just walking out himself.

His next class was the one he shared with Amelia and he was somewhat eager to see her. Since the news of Nathan's returning had lit the school like the Fourth of July. After he put one and one together, he realized that this Nathan Scott fellow was indeed the one he saw her with freshman year. Maybe, they dated or whatever the case was he didn't want to give her any time to think about it. He had enough interference with the bet as it is.

The bell rang and the teacher dismissed the class with instructions on tonight's assignment. By then, Aiden was already halfway to the door. His heart pulsing, shoving anyone out of his way he believed moved to slow.

"Hey," he said grabbing her shoulder just before she could go into class. A few people looked up out of curiosity but said nothing not wanting to risk pissing Aiden off. She looked both ways as if crossing the street and thanked her lucky stars no one she knew was watching them.

"What are you doing?" She asked underneath her breath. He released her from his grip and smiled.

"I just couldn't wait to see you." Amelia returned the compliment with smile of her own and gestured for him to make way, for another student to entire the classroom.

Aiden turned and almost excused himself but when his eyes found Nathan's apologizing seemed to be the last thing on his mind. He was holding a thin sheet of paper in his hand which was likely to be he schedule. He smelt of strong cologne that seemed to increase its defined scent the longer the pair glared at each other.

Nathan was eating this up. He thought maybe Aiden was just being an ass today but knew better when he got a good look at who he was standing beside. Amelia. So, he knew that look because he had found himself wearing the same exact expression a lot back when he first started liking her. Jealousy.

"What do you want?" Aiden demanded, any intentions to be polite completely thrown out the window.

Nathan shrugged. "Oh, don't trouble yourself with caring for little old me." He said sarcastically. "I was just making way into class."

"Well, great. I hope you find your travels delightful." Aiden groaned in frustration. Hoping he would take his unsubtle hint to hurry up. It was wishful thinking because once his eyes found hers, moving away seemed impossible.

Amelia could feel his dark brown eyes scanning her entire body. She pretended to not notice his staring but how could she? When nearly every part of her wanted him to be.

"Remember me," Nathan asked. "Because, I remember you." He teased.

"Fuck off, Scott." Aiden hissed through clenched teeth. He contemplated punching him in his face but decided the consequences of doing so just weren't worth it. At least not right now anyway. Not when he couldn't risk anyone finding out about his 'relationship' with Amelia.

"If you want I can point you in the direction of a few brainless sluts willing to spread there legs for anyone with a penis. And don't worry I'm sure length doesn't mean that much to them."

"Save yourself the trouble. I like my resources a little more...untapped." He said shooting Amelia a sideways glance. Meanwhile, she wondered how many people would notice if she just crawled into the classroom. They couldn't have been paying much attention if they were oblivious to what was happening only a few feet away.

Aiden snorted. "Well, if I were you I would look elsewhere. That kind of thing is pretty rare around here."

He didn't tell a lie. Trying to find a girl in Willows Peak who hadn't been ran through was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. A total waste of time.

"And are you certain you have absolutely no idea where I could find a girl like that?" He asked, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"No, sorry I don't."

"What a dreadful shame..."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked. "If so don't be scared to ask." Nathan laughed in response

"I'm just fine." He ran his hand through his hair and popped his knuckles. Amelia winced slightly.

"I'm just trying to strike up a new conversation. If luck may have it, maybe even make some new friends." Nathan said.

"Sorry. You just missed me. I'm all booked in that department for right now. And so is Amelia here." Aiden turned away with her on his heels and they found their way into their separate desks. Nathan being uncooperative took a seat behind Amelia to Aiden's dismay. He kicked his feet up relaxed his arms behind his head.

Amelia's body grew stiff and unsure of what to do. It hadn't taken a rocket scientist to know he was looking at her and she didn't want to start any unnecessary drama by looking back. Aiden didn't seem to really have hit it off with Nathan and she didn't want to risk him turning his body to a bed of ashes next.

"I actually may need your help in this class. I don't know if you remember but I was terrible in art. I never could figure out how to color in the lines. Damn, coloring books." He said.

"What are you talking about?" She whispered. Moving her head to the side so Aiden couldn't see her lips move.

"Us." He clarified stiffly. "I'm talking about us."

"There is no us." She said.

"Geez, Hughes. No need to get defensive. I'm just saying you were mine before you were his."

He shrugged moving closer to ear. "Maybe, you still are."

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