4-An Actual Angel

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"Di?" Joe asked when he got no reply for the fifth time in the morning. She'd locked herself in the bathroom, refusing to come out. He knew he couldn't stay pressed against the other side of the wall forever, but his girlfriend was so much more important than a little meeting to him.
"Di, please let me in." Still, no response. That's when he heard a single sob. It wasn't much, but it was enough to know that she wasn't okay.
"Just go away." She mumbled to herself, hoping Joe would take the hint and leave. She loved the fact that he cared so much but it didn't stop her worrying about what he would think. She was still crying over her first love dying. She couldn't quite comprehend how fathomable it seemed, but how unwilling she was to believe it. He didn't mean anything to her now, she reminded herself. On a daily basis, she found herself remembering that she didn't care for him when it happened so why should she now? Poor Dianne had gotten herself into a state when she finally decided to open the door. She told herself it was due to lack of oxygen, but she was going unconscious for a different reason and she knew it.

The silence was enough to haunt him forever. Joe had got that much from the silence that enclosed the bathroom when the door finally opened. He wished he'd seen it coming. The whole darkness of it all took away every ounce of light and being in Dianne and replaced it with nothingness.
"Di, I'm coming in." He'd been reluctant but he was glad he did as soon as he did. He could finally see what a mess her first love had made of her. She was laid on the tiles, nearly as lifeless as him when she was found. When she was taken to hospital, Joe visited everyday. They couldn't let her go for a whole eight days because until the ninth day she was in there, she threatened to join her first love. Joe had never seen this side to her before and he managed to avoid it. He hated seeing her in this much pain and it was clear to see that she was in pain.

When Dianne returned home with Joe, the house seemed more empty. Like all the weight of it had slowly collapsed whilst she was away. Maybe it was that she stopped feeling guilty about living in such a high profile house whilst someone she once loved was living in a grave, maybe she just forgave herself for thinking the house was too much for her. It definitely wasn't and she knew how much she adored the house. Dianne wasn't an idiot, anyone would love this house. Even him, the one person who couldn't because he was dead now.
"This place feels more light, if that's even possible." She voices her thoughts into the open silence, realising the changes Joe has made. Dimmer lighting, tidy rooms, everything seems to have collapsed but she decides she likes the new change.
"I didn't want you to feel too overwhelmed when you came back. So I tidied a bit and wondered if bright lights would give you a headache." The guilt rises in her throat and although she pushes it back down, she can tell it's still there.
This man whose stood in front of her is an actual angel. She couldn't say the same about him.
"I love you."

A/N: In the midst of exams, I'm uploading as and when I can. So here's a quick lil upload for you all. Hope everyone who is doing exams right now is okay And is doing well
See ya later, Bye! x

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