13- Angel In Disguise

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"What does that have to do with you sweetheart?" Tracey asks, seeing how torn up Dianne is about this whole thing. The silence of Dianne is unusual and neither of the Suggs in the room like it.
"Di reckons she killed him." Joe finally manages to say, rubbing her shoulder as her eyes glaze over with tears.
"I- I didn't reply to his call for help. He messaged me and I ignored it. Now he's dead." Dianne rushes the words because she knows how much it means to her to have such a caring boyfriend and she's trying to start believing that he made his own choice.
"That isn't your fault. You'd broken up. If he was suicidal Dianne, it wasn't only because of you." Dianne needed to hear that. She broke down in tears as she realised Tracey was right.
"Suicide can't be blamed on one individual. Chances are, he was running from himself." Dianne is starting to believe that Joe's Mum really is a clairvoyant.
"Di, I don't want you to be running from yourself anymore because it wasn't your fault. Okay?" Joe was the sweetest guy in the world when it comes to protecting Dianne. He'd do anything for her. After all the pain and hurt her ex had caused her recently, he'd been an angel in disguise. Somehow he knew how to handle her emotions despite not going through anything like this before. Dianne really was starting to believe that he was the perfect guy. When she pictured herself going back to Australia, she knew he would be with her. He'd be holding her hand on the flight, claiming not to be scared. That was the thing though, when Dianne was with Joe, neither of them were scared.

Dianne dismissed herself to the bathroom a while later to freshen up when Joe turned to his Mum and told her the only words that had been on his mind throughout this whole journey.

"One day, Mum, I'm going to marry her." Tracey beamed at him, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't have her doubts.
"How do you know Joe? How do you know this is love? You've never been in love before." Tracey loved Dianne with her whole heart, and she knew Joe did too, but she needed to hear it from him to be sure that he knew what he felt.
"She's the only person who's ever really completely shared my sense of humour and she's taught me so much in the time I've known her- including how to dance. Ever since I was partnered with her on Strictly, I've been truly happy again. She made me forget everything, Mum and I'll never stop loving her because of that." Tracey clapped her hands together, knowing that her son truly understood everything he was feeling. She finally regained hope for him, a factor which had been hard for her after everything they'd gone through.

Both of them sat in silence waiting for Dianne to come back. However, they were both in deep thought about the same time of their lives. The time when Joe had visited for the weekend and decided that he no longer wanted to be a Youtuber. The hate had gotten to him badly and he couldn't control what he did. He shook himself- almost in a dog-like motion- as Dianne came back down the stairs, but all she could see were Joe's empty eyes.

A/N: What did Joe do in his past life...
Keep reading to find out x

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