Dear meat

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Psycholove69: . . .this part might be a bit weird. . .and a bit long sorry about that (if ya lazy like me or don't like to read allot go to the end of this part and read what basically happened in this part but a bit shorter)

*late in the night Horror went outside and killed a dear for Lust and himself to eat and also chopped down some wood so he could make a fire to cook the dear* *Horror hoped Lust liked dear* *Horror walked back in the shack with the dear and the wood* *Horror locked the door* *the night went by fast* *the dear didn't go stiff surprisingly* *Lust woke up and saw the dear and looked at Horror* "what is this???" "It's a dear sweetheart" ". . .a what" "a dear I was hoping to cut it up and cook it" "you mean we're going to eat that" "yes"

*Horror got the wood out of a backpack that he found while he was chopping up wood (actually he ran across someone with a backpack and killed that person and stole their backpack kinda dark I know)* *he put the wood in a pile and got a match and threw it in the pile of wood and a fire came from the wood* "I don't know if I like dear or not Horror" "you can at least try some, because you have to eat something" "ok I'll try some" "good" *Horror got his axe* *he grabbed the dears corpse and cut it up into pieces they could eat* 

*Horror put something on top of the fire and put some of the chopped up dear meat on it(a little thing that you can put over a fire to cook things which I forget the name to it)* *Horror put the dear guts to the side cause he knew Lust wouldn't like eating guts* *lust shivered a little when he saw the guts of the dear* "eww" "I kinda knew you were going to say that" *the dear meat started to cook and it filled the little shack with a good aroma* "that smeels good, is it done yet?" "Not yet" "ok" *after a few minutes* "I think it's done now" "ok" *Horror gets one of the pieces of dear meat* "want to try it?" "Hmm hmm" "ok here *hands the piece of dear meat to Lust*" *Horror gets another piece of dear meat for himself and eats it* *Lust takes a small bite of the dear meat* "mmmm" "is it good?" "Yeah it's delicious" "that's good cause we might be in this shack for awhile" "mmm *eats the rest of the meat* this is so good~" 

Psycholove69: if you weren't lazy or like reading allot don't even bother reading the rest of what I'm saying............ok if your lazy or don't like to read allot here is what basically happened but shorter:

Horror kills a dear also a person and chopped some wood, he made a fire once Lust woke up, he chopped the dear corpse into pieces they could eat, cooked the dear once it was done he gave Lust a piece and he ate a piece for himself, Lust tried the dear meat and he lived if.

Psycholove69: that's basically what happened in this part lol

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