Bitch Lasanga

39 2 10

I don't like u Vanishas hacker
Nothing personal bitch
But I must go all out just this once
Bobs or vegana
which ever will it be
sit the fuck down hacker
I'm here to spill the real tea you are a bitch
and you will lose best think u haven't won when I'm through with you we are going to be completely done zero bye bitch gone
so come one hacker looking hungry for some drama here let me serve u bitch lasanga
Bitch lasanga
Bitch lasanga
Hacker is nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasanga
Hacker just wet their self
Soo who the fuck is bob
and why do u want to kiss him ew
I got nine year olds
while u have nothing but haters
No papa yes papa Johnny
Let's throw this fucking party with some bitch lasanga
Bitch lasanga
Look at the hacker crying for their mama
Bitch lasanga bitch lasanga
Look at hacker wetting them self's
Bitch lasanga
Hacker is nothing but a bitch lasanga
U got 69 followers but a lot of them unfollowed
So u are a bitch lasanga

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