Why i hate tseries and support pewdiepie

17 3 5

T series
1 they are gay like gaydog
2 they fucking dethroned pewdiepie
3 They a a comapany unlike pewdiepie
4They are the only competition to pewdiepie
5 sub bot
1 he is a really nice guy
2 he Swedish
3 he isn't a company
4 he has 2 pugs my favorite type of dog
5 He started the bro army
6 he loves nine year olds
7 He isn't gay and is engaged to Marzia and they are a cute couple
8 He does meme reviews
9 Mr beast another favorite YouTuber of mine supports him
10 he is the best

So remember sub2pewdiepie and get everyone in ur family to sub2pewdiepie

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