Wish #13

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Life after Ashley was kinda nice and peaceful, even though I felt a little guilt ateven thinking that. But it was the truth, I no longer had food spilled on me at lunch time and wasn't on the receiving end of threats or cussing...it was really nice.

I saw little of Dalton, Sebastian, Colton and Nate made sure that I was kept busy and away from him. A bad influence was what they would say, shaking their heads and tutting as we'd walk off in the opposite direction to him.

Even though he had been less then friendly over the last few years I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, with his 'queen' gone Dalton was little more then a loner and I could see something in him almost give up on being at school. It wasn't hard to notice the changes in him, he dropped out of football, started dressing in baggy clothes and I think he even began smoking.

Though I couldn't be sure of that last point, Dalton hardly ever came to the classes that we shared.

"Hey Dalton, can I sit here?" I asked one particular lunch time. He had shown up to school finally, but he had a black eye and a split lip which worried me a little.

Instead of answering, Dalton obviously ignored me. But feeling my new found courage course through me I took a deep breath before sitting down across from him. He seemed to be trying hard to ignore me as he looked everywhere but my direction.

"I brought you something to eat." I said, noticing that whenever he was at lunch he never had anything to eat. Really, I had made his favourite sandwich which had always been chicken and brie with a bit of cranberry sauce.

Pushing that and a juice box towards him I waited for any sign that he'd heard me or seen the food. But he didn't say anything to me, instead he grabbed the food, stood up and walked towards the exit of the cafetaria. Before exiting he purposefully turned to look at me before dumping the food in the trash can that stood next to the door.

Surprisingly I didn't feel upset that he'd insulted me, just upset that he would let his pride or the poison with which Ashley had turned to turn down a perfectly good lunch.

Sighing quietly to myself I began eating lunch, but none of it tasted good anymore.

I was still fifteen years old and wishing that Dalton could put aside whatever grudge he had and see that he was driving himself into the ground, one bad act after the other.

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