The End

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Wahhh! I have finished one short story!

Currently I have another in the works, I'm so glad I decided to write this little story. It really has been great. Thank you to everyone that has supported and encouraged me with writing this story, I really appreciate it.


When I arrived home later that afternoon my mom already knew of everything that had happened at school. She was proud of what I had done, that it was something she would have expected form me and that she had more or less raised me to stick to my values and ethics.

I was enrolled into the private school along with my siblings, no one questioned my sudden arrival and everyone was welcoming. Part of me missed my friends, Dalton and Alicia. But they didn't let my changing schools stop our friendship, I was glad that they hadn't or I would have felt completely lost.

Arlo Simmons was officially pardoned and the school apologized for breaching his privacy, safe to say my dad quit from the school and was pursuing his dream...writing childrens books!

My mom and Jane said that one of his passions was child education, I guess I had never really taken them seriously until then. I would be so proud of my dad for doing what he wanted to, following his dreams as he encouraged me to do with mine.

And that was how things went, I decided to stop wishing because it was getting me nowhere and tying up all of my hopes on 'maybes' and uncetainty. 

My name is Pia Chester, I'm seventeen now and in my final year of high school. I've not wished for a single thing since sitting down to dinner with my dad and his family and that's the way I would like to continue on with my life and thoughts.

The Wishlist (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ