Winnie is fed, I made sure to give her favorite, and I took her on a nice long walk so she should sleep well tonight. She still pulls, and my fingers still hurt. She likes to lay with me until I fall asleep, and then she'll usually go to her own bed in the corner to sleep. Maybe try moving her bed to your room, so she feels less lonely.
I'm leaving today. I'll already be on a flight by time you see this, and I know you're still mad. I packed extra socks, I remembered my toothbrush, and I promise to floss. I have everything I need, I made sure to check five times before I left. I'll be okay.
Thank you both for everything you've ever done for me, and I'm sorry for being so difficult. I'm sorry for stressing you out so much, and I'm sorry for those nights where I got angry and never came home. I'll always come home no matter what, and I'll always be your son.
Call me tonight, I should be landing by 8 o'clock... New York time, I think that's 5 here. Please call no matter how angry you are with me, I want to hear from you. Maybe I can explain myself some more, and maybe we can all stop and listen to each other for once. Maybe we don't have to fight anymore, but even if we do, I still appreciate you.
I love you, mom and dad. Thank you for being my parents, because I feel like I don't thank you often enough. That'll change. I'll see you Christmas, and remember I'm leaving town I'm not leaving you.With love from your son,
Harry.P.S. Winnie can't read, please tell her I love her everyday. Also, don't forget to give her flea and tick medication every month on the first. Please, please, please make sure she gets enough belly rubs and not too many cookies, no matter how much she begs. Too many makes her sick.
P.P.S. Stay safe in this blistering heat.
****** This is a sequel to Note To Self. Read that book first... or don't, but you'll be hella confused lmao
And if you have read Note To Self already... welcome back bitches <3
It'll be a couple weeks before I begin updating this regularly, I need some time to put everything together and to stock up a bit on prewritten chapters. Been a bit busy lately, so it's not going as quickly as I want lol. Expect, like, 2-3 weeks. I won't make you wait too long, I promise to start by May the latest.
In the meantime, let's talk. Any predictions or hopes for this story? Do you think Aubry will stop being so closed off, do you think Harry will find himself, do you think they'll be happy? Do you hope for something in particular to happen? Let me know, maybe you'll be a psychic.

Body Paint (Harry Styles AU)
Fanfiction**** sequel to Note To Self. Paint my skin with yours, make me new. Make me beautiful, make me art. Make me whole. A runaway, some would say. New York City, big, noisy, and filled with so much opportunity one could get lost in it all. Harry finds hi...