Chapter 4

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2019 AD


What is wrong with this guy? Chitra thought as she thoroughly assed his state and attire.
He wore a white dhoti that did don't seem white any longer due to the crusted blood on it. And his body too was covered in deep gashes that were too deep to be created with a regular knife.
A sword, she concluded .
A breastplate covered his chest but it was not thick enough to hide the deep cracks on it.

Karna stepped forward and began, "Please listen to me. This is not my country. I need to return home sister. Please help me."

Scared little Chitra was quick to reply. "Are you mental? I can't help you. Look at your state, do you think I believe you? You could be a kidnapper for god's sake! I watch Crime patrol. I have seen psycopaths like you luring children to help them and then end up killing them." After completing her rant Chitra felt stupid. The words seemed much more dangerous in my mind, but heck, now they sound stupid.
Karna understood her concern. So he tried his best to assure her. "Listen to me sister. I am not going to cause you any harm. I just need to return to Hastinapur. I am needed there."

Chitra was about to contradict him again when she suddenly paused and replayed his speech.
Hastinapur? Is he in some drama company?
She asked,"Hastinapur? Where is that?"
Karna was shocked. "What do you mean? You have never heard of the great kingdom of Hastinapur? King Duryodhana? Wait! You haven't ever heard of me? I am Sutputra Karna, King of Anga." He said, with a slight hint of pride in his voice.

Chitra was bewildered. Of course she had heard of Karna, Duryodhana, the Pandavas but only in TV and read about them in books. Heck she had even done a project on Mahabharata. But who the hell is he?

"Haha real mature! But I ain't falling for such petty tricks." She replied back.

Karna looked lost. He didn't have the faintest idea as to what the girl was talking about. At first he felt slightly insulted but now he was confused.

He looked around himself. Not a sign of the lamp lit streets of Hastinapur nor Anga.

He desperately wanted to return.

"Wait is this heaven?", He suddenly uttered.

"Heaven? I will show you hell. Just wait!", said Chitra.

"Hell!", Karna looked alarmed.

"Yes hell. Its like a small dingy room. It has a huge door with iron bars." Chitra went on describing a prison. Nervous, Chitra herself had no idea what nonsense she was sprouting.

"Wait that sounds like a dungeon?" Karna cocked his head.

Chitra was amused by his choice of words. Who says dungeon at this age? She thought.
Wait! Dungeon! Is he really from the past?
She gasped.

Hello dear readers! My chapters are pretty short right now but that is because I am facing a technical difficulty. But rest assured you will get much longer ones very soon. Sorry for this tiny filler. But as all of us know, these kinds of fillers are required. Hope that everyone is safe and healthy! Cheers ☺️


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